Using DARWIN with Oberlo to Increase Cross Sales and Cart Value, Pt. 1

Dropshippers Rejoice! Combine the industry’s easiest dropshipping inventory manager with a cutting edge Machine Learning Recommendation Engine for a new level of sales empowerment

3 min readMay 7, 2018
Everything you need to run a dropshipping store on Shopify with DARWIN and Oberlo in one picture.


Dropshipping is an exciting, low-risk and low-barrier-to-entry way to get started with eCommerce, with a growing set of tools that make the tech and sales strategy easier for newcomers.

Three primary strengths make a great foundation for successful dropshipping:

  1. Inventory (and a fulfillment model)
  2. In-shop sales strategy to increase cart value
  3. Inbound marketing to drive consumers to your store

In this series of articles, we’ll be exploring how you can tackle your inventory management and in-shop sales strategy to create an effective dropshipping enterprise with Shopify, Oberlo and DARWIN in under an hour. Best of all — all three platforms offer a free-to-try tier, so with no initial investment, you can open your own store selling and cross-selling inventory.

*If you already have a shop set up with products, feel free to skip to Part 4— Cross Sales and Product Recommendations with DARWIN.

Gettings Started: Why Shopify? Because Oberlo and DARWIN.

Ready to start selling, right now? Shopify is your best bet.

Shopify is the eCommerce platform of choice for retailers who want to get up and running with online sales quickly. With Shopify, store owners get:

  • Maintenance and security provided by third-party cloud services
  • Ease of use with very little knowledge of code required for a great looking shop
  • An active app ecosystem that produces powerful tools to help improve sales strategy and introduce powerful functionality

In that ecosystem, there are two tools that are absolutely indispensable for dropshippers.

The Dream Team

Oberlo and DAR.WIN: The Best eCommerce App Combo of 2018

The best strategy for anyone considering dropshipping with Shopify 2018 is easily Oberlo and DARWIN.

If Oberlo stocks the shelves, DAR.WIN is the personal shopper that shows each customer where to find their perfect fit.

Oberlo, produced by Shopify, is an amazing dropshipping app that “allows you to easily import dropshipped products directly into your Shopify store and ship them directly to your customers — in only a few clicks.” In other words, Oberlo handles the hassle of sourcing inventory and fulfilling shipments. You select items that match your store’s theme, import the items, and start selling with Oberlo handling the logistics.

So, Oberlo handily covers primary strength #1: Inventory Management.

DARWIN is an app that uses Machine Learning to make increasingly effective personalized recommendations to each unique visitor to a store based on their behavior, and is a perfect companion to Oberlo. If Oberlo stocks the shelves, DAR.WIN is the personal shopper that shows each customer where their perfect fit is.

DARWIN is everything you need to cover primary strength #2: In-shop sales strategy.

In summary — Shopify is an awesome platform for online entrepreneurs interested in dropshipping, and an inventory from Oberlo supported by DARWIN’s intelligent recommendation engine can turn a side-business into a substantial money maker.

In the next section of this series, we’ll be installing Shopify from scratch to prepare a brand new store for dropshipping with Oberlo and DARWIN.

Part 2: Installing Shopify

Part 3: Installing Oberlo

Part 4: Installing DARWIN




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