Everyday phrases for communication — Post 19

Daria Storozhilova
2 min readOct 23, 2022


Read post 18 here

Today’s mini-dialogue:

— Guess what! Jack’s been fired.
— No way!
— You won’t tell anybody, will you?
— Deal.

What you need to remember:

  1. If you want to tell something interesting to somebody and want to attract their attention, start with Guess what. This means ‘You will never guess what I want to tell you’.
  2. Jack’s — this is contracted HAS: Jack has been fired. (Present Perfect Passive — the action which has finished up to now).
  3. How to express surprise in English:
  • No way!
  • You are pulling my leg! (or Are you pulling my leg?)
  • Get out of here! (or Get out of town!)
  • Shut the front door!
  • Are you serious?
  • Are you for real? (or For real? = Really?)
  • You’ve got to be kidding (me)!
  • You don’t say!

All these INFORMAL formulas mean something like ‘I don’t believe you / it’s not possible!’. They are usually not translated word by word. Use them to express surprise and slight disbelief when somebody tells you something shocking or unexpected.

4. Won’t is a contracted WILL NOT pronounced /wəʊnt/

5. Will you is often used for making informal requests. It is especially popular in American English.

— Call him, will you? = Can you call him?

— Wait here, will you? = Can you wait here?

These are several ways of asking for something in English:

Can you call him? = Could you call him? (more polite) = Do you mind calling him? (most polite) = Will you call him? = Call him, will you? (most informal)

6. If you have agreed on something, you can use the formula We have a deal. or a short Deal to confirm the agreement. It means ‘We have an agreement’.

Today we have revised a couple of important contractions, ways of making polite requests and learnt phrases that help us express surprise in conversations.

If you speak Russian, you can read these lessons in Russian (and practise) in my Telegram channel. Join us!

My name is Daria Storozhilova and this is a series of mini-lessons teaching you how to communicate in English with helpful phrases and spoken expressions.

Read our Smart English Blog (grammar and vocabulary lessons, free quizzes for practice, and podcast for English learners).

Download the free guide ’55 common phrasal verbs for everyday conversations’.



Daria Storozhilova

I create online English courses to help you understand spoken English and express yourself with ease. Main focus: listening and vocabulary.