What is My Used Car Worth?

Darina Sovenko
3 min readAug 30, 2019

If you own a vehicle, you have more than just a method of transportation in your driveway — you may just have a top dollar for junk cars.

Have you ever looked at it and wondered “what is my used car worth?” Sometimes, given your financial and transportation situations, you may be better off selling the car.

Whether we’re talking about junk cars or cars that still have a little bit of life left in them, it’s important to know how to find the true value of your vehicle so you can make sure you get all its worth.

How to Determine Your Used Car’s Worth

What is my used car worth? Every person who asks that question will get a different answer — it depends on a number of factors.

First, you should check the Blue Book value of your car. Based on the make, model, and year, you’ll get a specific number — then you’ll alter that number based on how your car has changed over the time you’ve had it.

Custom work or modifications could make the value go up. Usually, additional mileage, visible or non-visible damages, and general wear and tear will cause the value to diminish. If your car is still road-ready without any noticeable issues, it will be worth more than a junker that you can’t rely on, regardless of the model.

You can also get a mechanic or auto expert to check your car and give their input on its value — this can help you ensure you’re not too far off with your own estimate.

Are Junk Cars Still Valuable?

Used cars come in many forms, and often the condition a car is in can impact a person’s decision to sell it. For example, if a vehicle is in such bad shape it requires repairs on a monthly basis, you’d be better off just selling it and looking for a replacement.

Some places will pay because they want the materials. A car with a bad motor could still have good brakes. A junker whose exterior is rusting away may still have salvageable hoses and belts beneath the hood.

Even a barely mobile junker can have its scrap metal salvaged and repurposed for other applications. It’s a smart way to get something out of your old car if you don’t need it anymore, and it’s also responsible since it counts as recycling.

