Keyword Position Stats — Google Search Console Feature Engineering

Dario Manoukian
2 min readJan 14, 2022


Photo by Rene Asmussen from Pexels

This post is a part of the Google Search Console Feature Engineering Series.

Ok, so this metric is kind of a given… but nevertheless, here goes!

What is Keyword Position Stats?

The Keyword Position Stats is an SEO metric that shows how your keywords are ranking but grouped by tiers or ranking brackets.

Keyword Position Stats

What can we learn from the Keyword Position Stats?

Many times we as SEOs communicate keyword positions. Doing only this can not be a clear way of showing ranking improvements.

Sometimes pages jump into the 1st page in a Google SERP but at a #10 position.

It can be easy to oversee this ranking improvement if we’re only looking for 1st place positions.

The same goes for Keywords in the top 5, in the lower 5, in the 1st, 2nd, and >2nd page.

How to get Keyword Position Stats

  1. In Google Search Console, truncate the positions.
    (I don’t round positions… we can talk about this in the comments if anyone is up for it).
  2. Group by ranking buckets or brackets, as you see fit. This can be done by using the QUERY formula in Google Sheets, but I prefer to do it with Python.*

*I’m not adding step by step instructions or code due to this not being a tutorial but a conceptual post.

Bonus tip!

You can also track Keyword Position Stat Evolution and show how many new keywords entered the top 5, for instance, since the previous crawl.

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Make sure to check out my Google Search Console Feature Engineering Series for other SEO metrics and to follow me for more original SEO related content.

Happy rankings!

