Redis-injection ft. ioredis.zadd()

Somnath Das
10 min readJust now


This article covers the Redis-injection in a challenge of corCTF 2024 where in-validated input is combined with the usage of a critical database specific redis-client method.

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If you are only interested in the vulnerability Click Here

Homepage of the challenge app called “rock-paper-scissors”

It is always a good idea to start working on a challenge by taking a high-level overview of the application. We should go ahead and interact with the application, capture various requests and responses for our web-proxy and essentially understand how it works from a user’s point of view.

Overview of the application

The following events we have observed ::

  • When the app is first loaded in a new session, it asks us for a username. It then sends a POST request to /new endpoint with our username. After that, the request returns response that set-cookie our session token.
The app is asking us to input “username”
Captured request sent to “/new” endpoint with our “username”
  • It also saves our username into local-storage of the browser and then starts the game. Once we choose our “move”, it sends a request to
    /play endpoint which returns the response about whether we “won” or we lost and game has “ended”.
Our username being stored in local-storage of the browser in key:value pair
Captured request that is sent to “/play” endpoint with our “move”
  • There is also a scoreboard.html page that shows us the “scoreboard”. In this page, we can observe a player with username FizzBuzz101 that has scored 1336 .
Screenshot showing “/scoreboard.html” page

Once we have the basic overview of application and we also understand it’s flow. It’s time to analyze the provided source-code .

Digging into the source

One should start by taking a look at package.json or something similar to figure out the version of various libraries that is being used by an application to see if any vulnerability is publicly-known or is being discussed upon. As of writing this article, I am not aware of any such publicly-known vulnerability .

In our case, package.json also gives a nice overview of the tech-stack that is being utilized for our target application. Here, they are using fastify which is a web-framework for building Node.js applications and ioredis which is a redis-client for Node.js applications.

"dependencies": {
"@fastify/cookie": "^9.3.1",
"@fastify/jwt": "^8.0.1",
"@fastify/static": "^7.0.4",
"fastify": "^4.28.1",
"ioredis": "^5.4.1"
"type": "module"

Let’s move ahead and take a look at this application’s server code file named index.js ::

import Redis from "ioredis";
import fastify from "fastify";
import fastifyStatic from "@fastify/static";
import fastifyJwt from "@fastify/jwt";
import fastifyCookie from "@fastify/cookie";
import { join } from "node:path";
import { randomBytes, randomInt } from "node:crypto";

As can be seen above, first few lines of the index.js is importing necessary libraries and methods to use.

  • Redis will be used to setup a redis-client instance that will interact with redis-server in the back-end .
  • fastify will be used to set-up the server that front-end client application will interact with.
  • fastifyStatic is a plugin used to serve multiple static directories under a single prefix.
  • fastifyJwt is a utility library that provides JWT authentication and will be used to maintain and validate user’s game sessions .
  • fastifyCookie is another utility library that helps with maintaining browser cookies for the application.
  • join is a Node.js path function that joins all given path segments.
  • randomBytes and randomInt from node::crypto generates cryptographically strong pseudorandom data or integer values.
const winning = new Map([
["🪨", "📃"],
["📃", "✂️"],
["✂️", "🪨"],

app.register(fastifyStatic, {
root: join(import.meta.dirname, "static"),
prefix: "/",

app.register(fastifyJwt, {
secret: process.env.SECRET_KEY || randomBytes(32),
cookie: { cookieName: "session" },


await redis.zadd("scoreboard", 1336, "FizzBuzz101");
  • winning stores associative key:value pair in a Map data-structure. This is used to check for winning “move”. For example, if game chose “🪨” (rock) then winning may be used to get “📃” (paper) and then compare it against user's choice to decide “win” or “end”.
  • app.register(...) sets up additional plugins or related libraries.
  • redis.zadd(...) is used to set key that is scoreboard to
    1336, "FizzBuzz101" in the redis database. It seems like this is where we are getting a user named FizzBuzz101 who has scored 1336 in our scoreboard.html page."/new", async (req, res) => {
const { username } = req.body;
const game = randomBytes(8).toString("hex");
await redis.set(game, 0);
return res
.setCookie("session", await res.jwtSign({ username, game }))
  • triggers when a POST request to sent to /new endpoint.
  • It extracts username from req.body i.e our request's body payload .
  • It sets game string constant equal to a random 8-bytes hex value.
  • It then uses redis.set(...) method to set key called game equal to 0 .
  • Finally, it returns response that sets cookie in our browser that is a jwt signed token which contains our username and current game id ."/play", async (req, res) => {
try {
await req.jwtVerify();
} catch (e) {
return res.status(400).send({ error: "invalid token" });
const { game, username } = req.user;
const { position } = req.body;
const system = ["🪨", "📃", "✂️"][randomInt(3)];
if (winning.get(system) === position) {
const score = await redis.incr(game);

return res.send({ system, score, state: "win" });
} else {
const score = await redis.getdel(game);
if (score === null) {
return res.status(404).send({ error: "game not found" });
await redis.zadd("scoreboard", score, username);
return res.send({ system, score, state: "end" });
  • triggers when a POST request is sent to /play endpoint.
  • First, it tries to verify our jwt token using req.jwtVerify() . If any error then it returns Status Code : 400 otherwise it continues.
  • It then extracts our game id and username from req.user i.e basically from session cookie that has jwt token which it received from our side.
  • It then extracts position from req.body that is our “move”.
  • system constant contains choice made by the game that is randomly selected using index of value randomInt(3) .
  • Next, it checks for winning condition and if it matches then it increments the value of key called whatever game variable contains by 1 using redis.incr(game) method. After that, it sends back our response with state:"win" .
  • Otherwise, if it doesn’t match then it stores the value from key called game into score constant after that deletes the key:value pair from redis database using redis.getdel(game) method.
  • If score == null then it means there was no game session.
  • Next res.zadd(...) is again used to set scoreboard key with value score, username as provided.
  • Finally, it returns the response with state:"end" .
app.get("/flag", async (req, res) => {
try {
await req.jwtVerify();
} catch (e) {
return res.status(400).send({ error: "invalid token" });
const score = await redis.zscore("scoreboard", req.user.username);
if (score && score > 1336) {
return res.send(process.env.FLAG || "corctf{test_flag}");
return res.send("You gotta beat Fizz!");
  • app.get(...) triggers when a GET request is to sent to /flag endpoint.
  • First, it tries to verify our jwt token using req.jwtVerify() . If any error then it returns Status Code : 400 otherwise it continues.
  • It retrieves score from scoreboard key using redis.zscore(...) and stores it into score constant.
  • It then checks if retrieved score exists and if it does then is it greater than “1336”. If it is then it returns the flag and if it is not then it continues and returns the message “You gotta beat Fizz!”.


  • One might be tempted to set their username to FizzBuzz101 and then try to increment their score.
  • It does not work because of the application’s way of handling game session and setting score .
  • The following line initially sets up our game session when we send our username to /new endpoint which is later stored in a session cookie that contains jwt with game and username as payloads.
const game = randomBytes(8).toString("hex");
await redis.set(game, 0);
return res
.setCookie("session", await res.jwtSign({ username, game }))
  • Then if we “win ” then the following lines increment our score
const { game, username } = req.user;
const { position } = req.body;
const system = ["🪨", "📃", "✂️"][randomInt(3)];
if (winning.get(system) === position) {
const score = await redis.incr(game);
  • If we “lose” then the following lines gets our score from the key called game and then deletes it. Only after that, it adds it to the scoreboard .
const score = await redis.getdel(game);
await redis.zadd("scoreboard", score, username);
  • We can set ourselves to become FizzBuzz101 user and have ourselves the score of 1336 but we need a score that is greater than 1336 and to increment it we need to increment FizzBuzz101 ‘s game session score which is only temporary and in the scoreboard , only the final score is set once we “lose” and that score is derived from game key’s value.
  • Score set in scoreboard is the final state of a user’s game session and therefore it cannot be incremented once a game session is over and any attempt to do so will only overwrite their previous scoreboard value.

Research and Vulnerability

A very common mantra that is recited during web pentesting is ::

“What do we control?” and “Where are they being used?”

  • We control username that we first input and is persisted with jwt token in session cookie that is consumed by the application. We also control position that is our choice or “move” in the game.
  • position is used at the following occasion ::
if (winning.get(system) === position) {...}
  • username is used at the following occasions ::
// 1. inside"/new", ...)
return res
.setCookie("session", await res.jwtSign({ username, game }))

// 2. inside"/play", ...)
await redis.zadd("scoreboard", score, username);

// 3. inside app.get("/flag", ...)
const score = await redis.zscore("scoreboard", req.user.username);
  • Since, there is a strict === type-check, we can let go of any
    type-juggling ideas for position variable to bypass the checking condition . Learn more about this on
  • First use of username input tells us that our input is being stored inside session cookie in the payload of jwt token . There is no sanitization in place meaning whatever we enter for the username persist throughout our session.
  • Second use of username input should point us towards learning more about redis.zadd(...) method. Let’s dig a bit deeper into that.
  • An example use of redis.zadd(...) can be found in the Readme for ioredis library at
redis.zadd("sortedSet", 1, "one", 2, "dos", 4, "quatro", 3, "three");
redis.zrange("sortedSet", 0, 2, "WITHSCORES").then((elements) => {
// ["one", "1", "dos", "2", "three", "3"]
// as if the command was `redis> ZRANGE sortedSet 0 2 WITHSCORES`
  • So, we know that redis.zadd(...) is used to add our score, username as members for key called scoreboard in our target application. Thus, having the ability of adding “more than one” member i.e “multiple members” can potentially allow us to “add our own values” given that our input goes properly into the method’s argument without any validation.
  • Third use of username input tells us that the username from our jwt token is being used to fetch for score .


  • Now, our goal becomes to add “extra members”. From what we have learnt so far, the flow of using redis.zadd(...) goes like redis.zadd("scoreboard", score, username) and we control username , so if we put more than one value in username then we will be able to add our own “members”.
  • It will be like [score1, username1, score2, username2] . Thus, providing an array as our username seems sensible in this case. Let’s debug and take a look at how our various inputs behave ::
Request showing our modified value for “username” key and its response
  • First, we will try to modify our username input point to be an array ::
{"username":["1337", "SuperDuper1"]}
  • Then we will copy the session token in the response and use it to send a request at /play endpoint ::
Request with our new session token that has modified username and response showing that we “lost” game
  • Everything seems okay so far. Let’s check our debug console.
Order :: typeof(req.body) -> console.log(req.body) -> console.log(error)
  • We can see that we are able to inject our desirable values into the arguments for redis.zadd(...) function but a
    ReplyError: RR syntax error occurred.
  • In here, we made a mistake with the way we entered our values. Recall that args should contain [score1, username1, score2, username2] but instead it currently has [score1, score2, username2] .

Note :: The above was a mistake which I made in a hurry and spend stupidly long minutes to figure out, I decided to keep it in to show you that
“it is what it is”.

  • Let’s fix our mistake with the following payload ::
{"username":["TrialGuy1", "1337", "SuperDuper1"]}
Request showing our fixed payload value for “username” key and its response
No error this time
Screenshot displaying our successful attempt at injecting our desired values in redis
  • Chipped it in. It worked 😆. Now, let’s get our flag in the deployed-instance.
  • Also, to get the flag remember the Third use of our username input. Our username is coming from our JWT Token and thus, make sure to generate a token with the injected username to get the flag .
Generate a session token with our injected username “SuperDuper1”
Sending a GET request to /flag endpoint with our previously generated session token


