Medium and cross-posted updates

Dave Winer ☮
1 min readAug 27, 2016


Brad Feld wrote a post today about cross-posting to Medium.

He says: “…when I publish something on WordPress, update it, and then publish it again, it doesn’t update on Medium.”

I’ve been theorizing why Medium doesn’t flow-through updates from external CMSes.

I think it may have to do with the highlighting feature.

Suppose one of my posts appears on Medium…

  • Then someone highlights a section and comments on it.
  • Then I update the post.
  • What happens to the highlights?
  • The offset could have changed.
  • The text might have been deleted.
  • Or the text might have changed, rendering the annotation obsolete.



Dave Winer ☮

Developed first blogging software, RSS and podcasting, outliners, web CMS. Media hacker. Boot strapper. Writer. Academic. Friendly. :-)