What Would You Do if You Had One Million Dollars?

It’s not a bullshit question.

David Soto Jr.
Change Becomes You


Photo Credit: David Soto Jr.

“… that question is bullshit…there’d be no janitors because no one would clean shit up if they had a million dollars.” ~Michael Bolton, Office Space

The question is not bullshit, as Michael Bolton claims, but he does have a point. Who would clean up shit for a living? More on this later. First, what would you do if you had one million dollars?

Let me clarify, to find out what you should be doing in life, as a career I suppose, one method is to ask yourself what you do if you didn’t have to worry about money — if you had a million dollars. Whatever you choose is supposed to be what you should be doing for a living.

In the movie Office Space, the main character, Peter, is asked this question. His response was simple, “Nothing.” Now, this is bullshit: We are not designed to do nothing.

I’ve realized this in recent years, mostly because I did practically nothing for a couple of years. It’s boring. This is why I have written essays about giving up on retirement. To strive not to work is one of the biggest lies we’ve been told our entire lives. We need to work. We need to do something with our lives. I believe it is to use our gift.



David Soto Jr.
Change Becomes You

David is a retired U.S. Air Force Master Sergeant who didn’t realize until reaching his forties that he was a writer. Books available at https://amzn.to/2Ye0yWd