Tastiest Homemade Lemonade

Easy Recipe with a Smart Ending

Sandra Littleton
3 min readSep 29, 2023

Lemonade is a staple beverage in anyone's household! If you’re anything like me, a refrigerator without lemonade inside of it, makes a sad day!

So, stay stocked my friends, and use this perfected recipe!

The recipe creates about 64 oz of lemonade, you can alter the amounts to make as much or as little as you’d like! It’s so easy! You can scroll down to the bottom to see a shortened recipe.

Lets Go!

Juice is Juice, it Needs to be Squeezed

Grab your lemons and grab your juicer and lets get to juicing about 1 cup of lemon juice! Citrus Juicers — Amazon

Any juicer will do, I use a simple handheld juicer and it gets the job done!

Some juicers are electric and do the job for you, making it that much easier to put a smile on your families faces!

When I didn’t have an juicing equipment, I squeezed lemons by hand, literally! I wound up using way more lemons than necessary, because I couldn’t get all of the juice out, and my hands became tired and weak quickly.

I would recommend a handheld juicer at the least.

Save yourself time, energy, and juice!

Make it Sweet!

Next we are going to get the sweet stuff together!

Grab a small pot, add 1 cup of water, and bring it to a boil.

Once boiling, add 1 cup of sugar and lower the heat to a light simmer. I use pure cane sugar, but you can exchange that for your preferred sweetener!

Stir occasionally to help the sugar dissolve into the water and when dissolved, remove from heat!

Give it time to cool before the next simple steps.

Simple as 1, 2, 3!

Pour Lemon juice into your pitcher or container of choice.

Add the sugar water mixture into the pitcher.

Add 5 cups of water to the container.

You can serve immediately or put the lemonade into the fridge to chill!


Enjoy your delicious lemonade that is even more satisfying because of the effort you put in to make it yourself!

Here are some cute lemonade pitchers I found on Amazon!

Quick Read Recipe:

  • 6 cups water
  • 1 cup lemon juice
  • 1 cup sugar
  • Heat up 1 cup water and 1 cup sugar on the stove until sugar is dissolved
  • Let it cool
  • Combine all, Chill, and Enjoy!

Now what are you going to do with all those leftover lemon peels?? Toss them out?


Lets put them to better use! Lemon peels will help us around the house, save us from toxic chemicals, and keep some change in our pockets!

Click the link to see my page about what you can do with your leftover lemon peels!

Leftover Lemon Peels: Don’t Throw Them Out!

T​hank you for taking the time to read this article!

With Love ~ Dawn Littleton

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Sandra Littleton

Passionate about motivation. Finds enjoyment in pushing others to meet their full potential while becoming their happiest, most proud, and confident selves.