Leftover Lemon Peels: Don’t Throw Them Out

Sandra Littleton
3 min readSep 29, 2023


After making your delicious lemonade, you are left with these wonderful peels that you have no idea what to do with. Well, now you will!

Don’t waste the peels. They can help you clean up around the house, keep you healthy, and save you money!

When I finish up with my lemonade, or whatever else I used a lemon for, I never throw away the peels! After years of just tossing them, I realized the peels can be used in many different ways.

Tastiest Homemade Lemonade

Here’s things you can do if you have:

One Lemon

When I have only used one peel, I may do something simple like toss it down the garbage disposal. This makes for a fresh and clean smelling kitchen sink.

We all know how smelly our sink can get with all the cooking we do and things we dump into it! This is a simple and effective trick!

Of course, do not stick too many in the disposal or it can clog, but one or two and you should be in the clear! To be safe you can cut them into smaller pieces to protect the drain.

You can also throw a lemon peel into a kitchen pan that has hard stuck on stains or toss it on the counter on tough grease spots.

Sprinkle the pan or spot with baking soda, pour a little vinegar on top, and then scrub with the lemon and it should come right off! You can even heat the mixture on the pan for an even easier time removing the gunk!

Lots of Lemons

My favorite way to use lemon peels is to use them to make a natural cleaner that’s tough. It could be my biased opinion, but lemon scented cleaners are the best!

So here is how it is done:

  • Put all leftover peels into a glass jar that can be sealed up later.
  • Pour vinegar into the jar until the vinegar covers all the peels. You don’t want any stragglers sticking out, the vinegar maintains the lemons as they are. They’ll turn brown if they stick out.
  • You can sprinkle in some spices to add some extra scent to the finished product! I use spices like thyme, rosemary, and basil. This is something you can change to your own preferences!
  • Let sit for 5 days. No need to refrigerate the mixture.
  • After the 5 days is up, strain mixture into your cleaning jar or bottle and fill the rest with water.
  • Use whenever you need it while enjoying its fresh and natural scent!

Tip: Don’t throw any jars away. For example, I reuse sauce jars or any glass jar that my groceries come in. That way I can use them for things like this! I also save money by not having to purchase mason jars. If you don’t want to wait to collect jars, amazon sells them in sets. See below:

Mason Jars


Using your leftover lemon peels will help you to:

  • Cut down on food waste and make your own cleaner that makes your home smell lemon fresh!
  • Take toxic chemicals out of the house! Stop buying those cleaners at the store and use the natural ingredients you probably already have!
  • Save money by using what you already have in your pantry!

Tastiest Homemade Lemonade

I hope that you try out some cool lemon peel hacks, especially this easy and rewarding one!

T​hank you for taking the time to read this article!

With Love ~ Dawn Littleton

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Sandra Littleton

Passionate about motivation. Finds enjoyment in pushing others to meet their full potential while becoming their happiest, most proud, and confident selves.