Kansans will vote on August 2nd on the VALUE THEM BOTH amendment


Debby Simon
4 min readJul 30, 2022


Dear Fellow Kansans:

This Tuesday, Kansas voters will have their last opportunity to vote on an amendment that carries extreme repurcussions for women. I’m addressing the “Value Them Both” amendment on the August 2nd primary ballot. If you’ve not already voted (by voting early) I’m hoping you will make time to vote on Tuesday. Kansas is being viewed as the “test” on this critical issue. Please consider the following.

  1. The wording on the ballot is very confusing. Please take the time to read the two options very carefully before entering the voting booth. Here is a link: https://sos.ks.gov/elections/constitutional-amendment.html

2) OF GREATEST SIGNIFICANCE: Kansas already HAS restrictions on abortion. Here are the restrictions currently in place:

  • Most insurance plans, INCLUDING THOSE PLANS AVAILABLE THROUGH THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT only cover the cost of abortion in cases of life endangerment.
  • Parents of minors must consent before an abortion is provided.
  • Public funding is only available in cases of life endangerment, rape or incest.
  • Abortions may not be performed after 20 weeks (22 weeks since last menstrual period) except in the case of severely compromised health of the mother.
  • A patient must receive state-directed counseling that includes information that discourages a woman from having an abortion. She must then wait 24 hours before the procedure is provided.


Additional information: Did you know that the Archdiocese of Kansas City Kansas has contributed $2.5 million to the VALUE THEM BOTH coalition? It is dangerous for ANY religion to take on the attitude that “MY religious beliefs are the only religious beliefs that matter, and they are better than YOUR beliefs, so you are going to be forced to adhere to MY beliefs.” Religious extremism is behind the “WE VALUE THEM BOTH” campaign, and it is dangerous for all of us. It is a blatant violation of the SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE — i.e., THE FIRST AMENDMENT — the one that states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” Also known as the “establishment clause” this is supposed to guarantee freedom of religion. (For the record, in my religion, the life of the mother always comes before the life of the unborn.) But it is not my religious beliefs that motivate me to write this letter. It is not about religion. It is about the rights of women to make their own choice about what affects their body and their life. The government…as well as religious institutions… should not be in control of regulating women’s bodies or reproductive health any more than the government or religious institutions should be involved in regulating men’s bodies or reproductive health. (But if this frightening, Margaret Atwood-like dystopian amendmant passes, then I will lead the charge to see that men’s sexual organs along with men’s ability to purchase condoms or drugs like Viagra also become regulated.)

Voting “yes” on the “VALUE THEM BOTH” amendmant would allow the Kansas Legislature to do whatever they choose when it comes to women’s healthcare and reproductive rights. This means that the existing restrictions could easily be changed- birth control, abortion for preserving the life of the mother, and abortion following rape or incest could, like in other states, be obliterated. Do you know the makeup of the Kansas state legislature?

Kansas Legislature


165 voting members — 40 senators, 125 representatives

Senate political groups

Republican (29) Democratic (11)

House political groups

Republican (86) Democratic (39)

With Republicans dominating, how do YOU think the legislature will vote if the “We Value Them Both” issue passes, enabling a primarily extremist CONSERVATIVE MALE LEGISLATURE even more power over a woman’s right to take care of herself? I’m hoping that my fellow Kansans can see beyond the smoke and mirrors.

Remember: One can be both anti-abortion (for one’s self) AND pro choice (respecting the rights of other women to know what is in their own best interest.) Please think carefully about this issue before you enter the ballot box, and for the sake of all women…and the future of Kansas…please VOTE NO!

Some additional links of interest:

A letter urging a NO vote written by two (very brave) nuns: https://religionnews.com/2022/07/27/kansas-nuns-defy-archbishop-oppose-abortion-related-state-amendment/

More about the (deliberately) confusing language of the amendment: https://lawrencekstimes.com/2022/03/19/anti-abortion-amendment-language-confusing/

Thirty Johnson County Clergy sign a letter urging a NO vote on August 2nd:

Lastly, to see where a ‘yes’ vote for the “VALUE THEM BOTH” amendment could lead, read the following — -about a 10 year old child who was raped, got pregnant, had to be taken across state lines to get a legal abortion and how the doctor is now being investigated: https://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/ny-indiana-doctor-bernard-abortion-rape-attorney-general-20220727-6p34yazvkzheveo267yckwoohm-story.html

