Agents of Disinformation

Decklin Mulqueen
5 min readJan 29, 2017


Why Americans get our news from Drudge and the New, Independent Media

“History would be a wonderful thing, if only it were true.” — Tolstoy

Rarely will an accomplice to a conspiracy freely admit their complicity. This explains, at least in part, why you’ll rarely if ever hear about the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird — a program designed to secretly fund, control and infiltrate major international, foreign and domestic mainstream media outlets such as CBS, The Washington Post, The New York Times, Newsweek— the list goes on ad infinitum. The obvious question is, why would one of the most powerful agencies of the US government, officially tasked with gathering intelligence on foreign powers and terrorist organizations, have an interest in shaping the narrative on the evening news?

The unfortunate answer is equally obvious — information is power. And power is control.

Between the weather report and pharmaceutical commercials, the perfectly groomed news presenter will put on his or her serious face and regurgitate the ‘company’ line about the latest imminent threat to mom and apple pie. Now that bin Laden has officially shuffled off this mortal coil, the latest boogeyman rolled out is the Islamic State (IS, ISIS, ISIL, Daesh). Second only to Islamic terrorists is the oldest and grandest of them all — the omnipresent supervillain Vladimir Putin. Meanwhile, B-roll of bearded men dressed in black, waving black flags, speaking in strange, angry tongues while waving AK-47’s meant to conjure up fear of terrorism. You will never hear that the CIA, the US state department and Obama regime covertly supported, funded, trained and armed ISIS in Syria to overthrow Assad. Simultaneously, the USG supported the Iraqi army’s offensive against ISIS in Iraq. One can see the obvious moral and political hazard in allowing the American citizenry in on this inconvenient truth.

Enter operation mockingbird. Since the early 1950’s, the Central Intelligence Agency has had its tentacles in all manner of popular culture. These efforts have had a specific focus on media manipulation in a conscious effort to propagandize the public through either omission of pertinent facts, or conversely, the repetition of outright disinformation to further the globalist’s agenda.

Author of the seminal book Propaganda, Edward Bernays, the father of modern public relations wrote, “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of …In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”

One could spend a lifetime detailing every disgraceful example of the Fourth Estate’s furthering the establishment’s agenda of control via disinformation. Rarely are the lines so clear and revealed in real-time as Amazon’s 2014 cloud-computing contract with the CIA worth an estimated $600 million. By pure coincidence, Amazon owns The Washington Post, also know as the official mouthpiece for anonymous ‘intelligence officials’ attempting to undermine president Donald J. Trump’s administration. One of the most recent and egregious examples is their continuous assertion without evidence — but with high confidence — that Russian president Vladimir Putin personally “hacked the election.” To the casual news consumer to whom this propaganda is targeted, this language is meant to convince the public that Putin and his FSB comrades changed the outcome of the presidential election, thereby delegitimizing Trump’s electoral victory. In reality, someone hacked the emails from the Democratic National Committee and former Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta. Specifically, Mr. Podesta fell for a phishing scam in his Gmail in which he entered his password, which was ‘password.’ They were then released to WikiLeaks and the public via Julian Assange.

The true scandal is not that Russia may have hacked the DNC and John Podesta, an accusation which Mr. Assange has repeatedly refuted. Rather the content of those emails which substantiate collusion between nearly every major US media outlet and the highest levels of the Clinton campaign. Former Congressman Dr. Ron Paul has put together the most detailed list to date referencing forty-eight ‘journalists’ who colluded with the Clinton campaign. The palpable, visceral hatred of Donald Trump by the corporate media establishment coupled with the public endorsement of former CIA directors Michael V. Hayden and Michael J. Morell, the stage was set for a landslide of historic proportions in favor of Secretary Clinton.

Despite the unprecedented efforts of the mainstream media, President Obama, the foreign policy establishment, multinational corporations, republican and democratic leaders, Saudi Arabian and Chinese front companies, academia, the military-industrial-intelligence complex, Hollywood elitists, and Wall Street bankers — the unthinkable happened.

When reality began to sink in, the propaganda began to roll out.

The narrative settled on by an Obama directed intelligence community, led by CIA director and Obama contributor John O. Brennan in collusion with admitted congressional perjurer DNI James Clapper, was “Russia hacked the election” to favor Donald Trump. Mockingbird 2.0 is manifesting itself through anonymous intelligence officials leaking unsubstantiated ‘secret assessments’ to the venerated Washington Post and The New York Times. The story is then quickly picked up and repeated in every newspaper and newscast in America eager to explain why every expert, pollster, pundit and prognosticator had been so utterly wrong for the last two years. Blinded by richly deserved professional embarrassment and personal disdain for Donald Trump, the discredited corporate media establishment had found their culprit — the Russians!

The globalist, anti-Trump confederation is a powerful one. His enemies are legion. They were on the brink of achieving their decades old machination of planetary dominance. Nobody expects them to go gently into that goodnight. On the contrary, one would expect their media-complicit propaganda to intensify in a continuous attempt to delegitimize President Trump. I suspect Mockingbird 3.0 is in the planning stage and will soon become self-evident.

