What Developers Must Know About Creating a UX Design

deeksha sharma
6 min readAug 5, 2019

It’s easier than you think!

In my previous post , I described few reasons on Why Developers Must Learn to Design. In this article, I will continue to share What Developers Must Know to create consistent and beautiful application designs.

If you have no past experience with application design, look no further than a using a Design System. But, what is it?

A Design System provides 3 elements for your application design

  1. The principles behind the Design System
  2. A style guide which consists of theme, colours, typography among other things.
  3. A set of reusable components that could be used in the application design such as Text Fields, Buttons, Radio Buttons and lot more

This may sound foreign if you have not designed before, but let me give you a quick summary of each item

Principles of Design System

Principles of Google Material Design at https://material.io/design/introduction/#principles

The design is a subjective topic and each person may have their own sense of a good design. It becomes difficult to agree to what a Good Design is when it comes to designing an…



deeksha sharma

Work for https://bonsaiilabs.com/ life long learner ,investing time heavily in personal finance, education, tech and design skills. Twitter: @deekshasharma25