DeepMine Metaverse Worldbuilding. Episode 2: “Mines”

3 min readJun 8, 2022


The universe is cold, hostile and devoid of human life.
Except for Eleazar — the only planet left where humankind is still living.
Or, rather, is struggling to survive.

The planet’s resources are scarce.
Environmental conditions are almost unliveable.
The end of humankind is impending.

But… There is still a chance.

The planet’s Core is the source of energy.
Eleazarians must set up mines and dig deep to get access to this source of life.

Episode 2: “Mines”


Eleazar is divided into 1000 areas on which mines are set up. The Mine is a fundamental part of the metaverse: the game token (DME — DeepMine Energy) is obtained from it. A team of up to 20 Contractors is working in the mine under the Mine’s Owner guidance.


The ultimate goal of the Mine Owner is to advance the mine’s development to the possible maximum — Level 9 — this is needed to reach the planet’s Core (we will have a dedicated article about it). After that, the Citizens must build an infrastructure to set up and maintain the energy production from the Core, thus creating conditions for the Portal construction.

This strategy moves the game forward, creating increasingly difficult tasks for the players. Success is mandatory as it gives humanity a chance to survive.

DeepMine is built on teamwork between players. The Mine Owner manages the mine and coordinates Contractors, making sure they work efficiently and cooperation is beneficial for everyone.

The Mine Owner also negotiates with the Landlord building a mine in their area. Another in-game activity is upgrading the mine’s level. To do that, the Mine Owner should sign the Mine Upgrade contract with the Scientist (another role in the game).


  • Each area can have 100 mines maximum (there are 1000 areas in the game).
  • In the game metaverse, a mine is represented as the Mine NFT.
  • The total number of mines is limited. At the start of the game, there will be only 5000 mines available.
  • New mines are introduced into the game gradually.
  • Players with Geologist roles will be able to open new mines, but this process is complex and slow.
  • Each mine has a level, which defines its characteristics.
  • Mines also differ by rarity levels: common, uncommon, rare, epic and legendary. The Legendary Mine is the most valuable one: it’s the only type of mine that could be built on the DME Springs Area thus providing the highest efficiency of DME mining.

Read more detailed information about the game — and mines — in our blueprint.

Important information

The DeepMine team has announced the Ultimate Mine Sale event from June 8, 17:00 (UTC) to June 9, 17:00 (UTC).

The mines from this sale will have a Legendary rarity level — they will be rather hard to get afterwards.

So take a chance to get the most valuable mines while they’re available!




DeepMine is the NFT-based Sci-Fi Metaverse Strategy Game with DAO, an open market, and evolving storyline: