Exchanges, Roadmap and Team Remuneration

DeFlash Token
2 min readJul 21, 2019


What exchanges do we plan to list on?

We will never fall short on the funds as long as People are transacting with our tokens.

Thus,we have everything on the list from

Ddex to




Coinlim, and tons of other exchanges supporting.

We will continuesly Approach the Top 30 exchanges when we have enough funds.


We have tons of plans and we are excited for them.

One of the best thing we are excited for is our own Blockchain, and we hope we will achieve the Target before Q3 ends.

A Mobile app, Dapps on own Blockchain, Games, Staking, Time Capsules, and a ton of other stuffs.

What will be the incentives for being a Part of the team?

We looked closer at the scenario,

The Team which was given a huge Chunk of the supple did their work well, but tanked the Price by dumping their tokens.

The community run tokens like Void did well with their voluntary Members but People soon lose interest in if they don’t get benefits for Working hard for something.

Hence, we planned a incentives for The Team, which will be distributed to them every 45 days.

From the Donation Pool, which receives 2% on every transaction,

1% will strictly be used for marketing and exchanges where as the other 1% will be distributed as follows-

(1) The Super Guy — 0.08%

(2) The Super Departments — 0.15% each department

(3) The Whisle Blower — 0.03%

(4) The Voters(Super 27) 0.01% each Voter.

(5) The Community Runners — 0.02%

Beside this, These Team can run a separate Donation address Publicly and The Public can donate the complete Team, or the Person they like, if he/she works good enough for the coin.

This makes sure The Team is working hard enough to make their Inventive worth something!

How are we better and our Team Structure



DeFlash Token

The most thoughtfully structured fully Decentralised token seen never before.