How Do You Free up Disk Space on Mac?

5 min readJun 29, 2024


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How do You Free up Disk Space on Mac

Running out of disk space on your Mac can be a frustrating experience, but fortunately, there are several effective ways to free up disk space on your Mac. Whether you’re looking to enhance performance or simply create room for more files, this guide will walk you through the essential steps to clear up space and keep your Mac running smoothly.

Understanding Disk Space on Your Mac

Why Freeing up Disk Space is Important

Freeing up disk space is crucial for maintaining your Mac’s performance. When your disk is full, your Mac can become sluggish, applications might crash, and you’ll have difficulty saving new files or installing updates. “How Do You Free up Disk Space on Mac

Checking Your Current Disk Usage

To see what’s consuming your disk space, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Apple Icon: Located in the top-left corner of your screen.
  2. Select About This Mac: A window will open with several tabs.
  3. Go to the Storage Tab: Here, you’ll see a detailed breakdown of your disk usage, including categories like apps, documents, photos, and system files.

Steps to Free up Disk Space on Mac

1. Clean Out Your Downloads Folder

Your Downloads folder often accumulates files that you no longer need. Cleaning it out can free up significant space:

  1. Open Finder: Click on the Finder icon in your Dock.
  2. Navigate to Downloads: You’ll find it listed in the sidebar.
  3. Delete Unnecessary Files: Sort the files by date or size and delete the ones you no longer need.

2. Uninstall Unused Applications

Applications can take up a large amount of space. If there are apps you no longer use, uninstalling them can free up considerable disk space:

  1. Open Finder and Go to Applications: Locate the Applications folder in the sidebar.
  2. Drag Unused Apps to Trash: Identify and drag the apps you don’t use to the Trash.
  3. Empty the Trash: Right-click on the Trash icon and select “Empty Trash” to permanently delete the files.

3. Manage Your Photos and Videos

Photos and videos can quickly consume storage space. Here are some tips to manage them effectively:

  1. Use iCloud Photos: Store your photos and videos in iCloud to save space on your Mac.
  2. Delete Duplicates: Use a duplicate finder app to remove duplicate photos and videos.
  3. Compress Large Files: Use tools like ImageOptim to reduce the size of your photos without losing quality.

4. Clear Browser Cache

Browsers store temporary files and cookies, which can accumulate over time. Clearing your cache can free up space:

  1. Safari: Go to Safari > Preferences > Privacy > Manage Website Data > Remove All.
  2. Chrome: Go to Chrome > Preferences > Privacy and security > Clear browsing data.

5. Empty the Trash and Mail Downloads Folder

Make sure to regularly empty your Trash and clear out your Mail Downloads folder:

  1. Empty Trash: Right-click on the Trash icon and select “Empty Trash.”
  2. Clear Mail Downloads: Open the Mail app, go to Mailbox > Erase Junk Mail, and Mailbox > Erase Deleted Items.

6. Remove Large and Old Files

Identify and remove large and old files that you no longer need:

  1. Use Finder: Go to Finder > File > Find, then set the search parameters to locate files based on size and date.
  2. Delete Unnecessary Files: Review the list and delete files you no longer need.

7. Optimize Storage

MacOS offers built-in tools to help you optimize storage:

  1. Open About This Mac: Click on the Apple icon > About This Mac > Storage > Manage.
  2. Enable Recommendations: Follow the recommendations provided by macOS, such as storing files in iCloud and reducing clutter.

8. Use Third-Party Cleaning Apps

Several third-party apps can help you clean up your Mac more efficiently:

  1. CleanMyMac X: Offers a comprehensive set of tools to clean junk files, uninstall apps, and manage extensions.
  2. DaisyDisk: Visualizes your disk space usage, making it easier to find and delete large files.

9. Manage Startup Programs

Too many startup programs can slow down your Mac and consume space:

  1. Go to System Preferences: Click on Users & Groups > Login Items.
  2. Remove Unnecessary Items: Select the items you don’t need at startup and click the minus (-) button to remove them.

10. Archive or Offload Files

For files you don’t need immediate access to, consider archiving or offloading them:

  1. Use External Drives: Transfer large files to an external hard drive.
  2. Cloud Storage: Use services like Dropbox, Google Drive, or iCloud Drive to store files online.


Maintaining Free Disk Space on your Mac is essential for optimal performance. By following these steps, you can effectively manage and free up storage, ensuring your Mac runs smoothly and efficiently. Regular maintenance, such as deleting unnecessary files, managing your applications, and using cloud storage, will help keep your Mac in top shape.


How often should I clean up my Mac to free up disk space?
It’s a good practice to clean up your Mac every few months to ensure optimal performance and avoid running out of storage.

Can I use the same methods on an older Mac model?
Yes, these methods are applicable to both new and older Mac models. However, older models might benefit even more from regular cleanups.

Is it safe to delete system files to free up space?
No, it’s not recommended to delete system files as this can cause your Mac to malfunction. Stick to deleting user files, cache, and unused applications.

What should I do if my Mac is still running slow after freeing up space?
If your Mac is still slow, consider additional steps like increasing RAM, running disk utility checks, or consulting an Apple specialist.

Are there risks in using third-party cleaning apps?
While many third-party cleaning apps are safe, always choose reputable ones and back up your data before running them.

