How to solve your first Scavanger Hunt at Flipside Crypto

5 min readMar 6, 2022


What is a Scavanger Hunt?

From time to time there are so-called Scavanger Hunts at Flipside. A Scavanger Hunt is usually a simple task which consists of two parts.

In the first part you have to try out a crypto project, that can be e.g. that you stake $LUNA at Terra Station, use the new PRISM protocol, etc. …

The second part is to find the transactions generated by using a project in the Velocity database using a simple SQL and then display the result in a dashboard and briefly describe it.

In general, Scavanger Hunts are designed to learn about and try out crypto projects and use Velocity* in an easy way and even earn some money in the end. Especially for beginners this is a great introduction to the world of crypto data analysis.

*Velocity is an application of Flipside Crypto, on the one hand a database (with all the data of different crypto projects) and on the other hand a presentation tool to display the generated data, graphs and also explanatory texts. Ideal for creating data analysis.

How do I get a Scavanger Hunt?

Important: To know about new Hunts in time it is necessary to stay in Discord or follow Flipside on twitter to watch out for announcements.

Later you will find the hunts directly on the start page: In addition to the description of the task, a timer shows when exactly the hunts will be unlocked.

Scavanger Hunt description and timer.

Important: Be on time to claim a spot! Usually they are gone in seconds or as my friend TheLaughingMan said these days:

“Like a PS5 restock”

Stay on the detail view and wait until the timer runs out and click “Claim Hunt”.

Claim your Scavanger Hunt.

Claimed a spot? Congratulations, you have already mastered the most difficult part!

What do I have to do next once I have claimed a Scavanger Hunt ?

Short answer: Just follow the steps described in the bounty description, they are very detailed and contain all the information needed to complete the bounty.

Here is a small summary from my side to prepare and solve your first hunt

Follow these steps for Part 1 ‘Learn about and use the project’:

  • Setup a wallet (in case you don’t have one) for the blockchain used in the hunt, keep a small amount of tokens ready.

Important: Find out about the project, understand what it does and then try it out.

  • Goto the project and follow the steps described in Scavanger Hunt details.
  • Note your transactions after every step! Usually in most projects, after you confirm a transaction, a small popup with a link to your transaction opens.
  • You can also go to your wallet later and will find your transaction IDs there.

Important: You’ll need all those transaction IDs to show and prove your steps later!

  • Finish all steps and Part 1 of the Hunt is done!

Now let’s do Part 2 and get all the generated data an create a dashboard step by step:

Create a ‘New Query’
  • Write a (very simple) SQL query to get your transactions from Velocity and give it a meaningful name:
Example query (Prism Scavanger Hunt).

Important: It will take a few hours until your transactions show up in Velocity! Just come back later and run the query again!

  • It will look like this:
Example query result (Prism Scavanger Hunt)

The good thing is: we can proceed anyway!

  • The next thing we have to do is, to create a dashboard to present our result. For this, click again ‘+ New’ and select ‘New Dashboard’:
Create a ‘New Dashboard’
  • Choose a good title and description:
Add title and description
  • Describe the protocol and the steps you did, for this use different elements offered:
Describe the project and streps
  • Add your transactions, search for the Query Title on the left and click on the title, then choose ‘Result’:
Search for your Query.
  • After you have finished your dashboard and everything important is explained and presented, you just have to ‘Publish’ your dashboard:
Publish your dashboard.
  • Now copy the link:
Click ‘Copy URL’.
  • Go back to the Bounty description an fill out the submission form:
Submit your dashboard and wallet address.

Put he dashboard link in the first field, your wallet address in the second and submit your data!

  • Go to twitter and write a nice tweet about flipside and the Scavanger Hunt.
  • Copy that twitter message link and put it in the Scavanger Hunts channel.

Congratulations, you finished your Scavanger Hunt!

Here is an example dashboard for the PRISM Scavanger Hunt

Now you are ready for a first real bounty!

To learn how to do that, just read my other article on medium:

A (short) introduction to Flipside Crypto … or how to become a bounty hunter!

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask in the Flipside Crypto Discord.





⬛️ Onchain Data Analyst & NFT addicted ⬛️ Community Moderator @flipsidecrypto 📈 ⬛️ @rekt_gang Community Member 🐺🍄🐂🐔