Simple Steps To Get Your Business Found Online.

Determined Solutions SEO
3 min readJan 26, 2017

Many business owners know they need to get more visibility for their website on the internet.

Most business owners don’t know how to do this. This makes sense because a business owner needs to be an expert at their business, not at getting free traffic on the internet.

It is easy to get confused as to what to do. Well, at Determined Solutions SEO, we’re here to help business owners. And we really like to help those located in Raleigh-Durham, NC because that’s where we live.

So, here are 3 simple things you can do to improve your business website’s visibility on the internet.

1. You need to have a mobile friendly website.

Nowadays, most internet searches take place on a phone or tablet. Over 60% of searches. If your website isn’t mobile friendly Google will push your website down in ranking and give favor to websites that look good and are easy to use on mobile devices. So make sure you are mobile friendly.

This seems basic and you might not think this is good advice. You might think that this is like me telling you to tie your shoelaces when you put your shoes on. Well, you’d be surprised how many business owners tell me, “Of course my website is mobile friendly.” And I tell them, politely, “No, it’s not.” Then I say, “ Ask your phone to take you to the Google Mobile-Friendly test.”

With this simple tool, you can see for yourself what Google thinks of your business website. If you pass great. If not, update to a mobile friendly site immediately.

2. Build out 50 social media and Web 2.0 properties.

These are your Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Weebly, Tumblr, Flickr, and Medium. Go out there and create an account on each of these sites with the name brand of your business. This is important and tells the search engines that your company is real and is important.

We also call this “Branding Your Company Online”, or “Establishing Your Brand on the Internet.” For a good example of this, go to Google and search for Determined Solutions SEO. As you can see, the entire first two pages of results are all Determined Solutions web identities. That is a good example of what you need to do.

3. Build as many Google properties as you can. I’m talking about free tools like Google My Business, Blogger, YouTube, Google Maps, etc. Trust us on this. Always remember, if you want your website to show up in Google, that “Google loves Google.”

At Determined Solutions SEO, we are Google experts and even Google Partners, we practice what we preach. We know what it takes to get the attention of the world’s most powerful search engines. That’s why you are reading this article right now.

There are new Google tools coming out all the time like Google Author. As much as we love Google, there are so many new products, sometimes we get asked about one and we’ve never heard of it, which is kind of embarrassing.

We hope you find these 3 tips valuable. If you have any questions about how you can grow your business with customers from the internet, please go to our website and fill out our Discovery Form.

Thanks and Good Luck!

