How to build 3x3 grid per Image on Instagram using Photoshop | Dev3lop

How to build 3x3 grid per Image on Instagram using Photoshop… The tutorial… Dun dun dun. By For my wife, so she gets involved with this fun stuff.

3x3 grid tutorial in instagram! We do this in photoshop because we love keeping it simple. Thanks reading along, I like to share interesting content and work loads. Below I have a grid of content. Here’s the corresponding links so you know there’s no funny business.

Thanks to Eduard — who helped me understand the Social Media ego that I had, thinking I wouldn’t need Instagram, rather it’s a beautiful digital marketing tool! Here’s his music production business site.

We often throw in pictures of our little boy Andoni too! We are new parents and enjoy every moment of it. Here’s his tumblr.

Hello baby boy!

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Enjoy my love, my wife, jump into this and kick ass.

Instagram works, and here’s why.

Hello, I’m the founder of a tableau consulting biz in Austin.

If you need a 3x3 grid for instagram and a nerdy way to do something, her we go.

Hey, if you’ve noticed on — you’re able to offer images to users side by side, so why not offer a bit more than 1 shot at a time?

Most take this to a new level and offer 1/1/1 or 3x1 (or 1x3, who knows) image.

Some do 3x2. This is all about the 3x3 grid.

But after trying the usual, hey food, here’s a picture, and a few hashtags.

I actually gave up Instagram and never really gave it much thought. Then after running into a random dude in a facebook group… He point blank asked me.

What is your instagram strategy? My response was, ‘None.’ And he replied, ‘It’s all I use.’

Instagram grid 3x3 works wonders.

If you’re looking around, they have an app for that, but if you’re like me and want to do it without paying money. Well it’s only a little bit of math.

If the image is a perfect square, you’re set. If not — grab a calculator.

Draw on paper the dimensions of your image.

Considering this isn’t a blog about how to do math, I hope that we can skip past this whole ‘what’s a square thing’ and move on.

Below is a grid 3x3 offering 9 of 9 dashboards, each offering myself a quick glimpse into the imagination of several filters in Photoshop, and in total, a really beautiful 3x3 grid to easily output to users on instagram.

Here’s a grid 3x3 of my wife for her pregnancy photo for instagram!

There’s a slew of 101 images in this particular experiment. Images of my pregnant wife and images of beautiful insects.

Here’s one of the images without a grid and one less filter.

3x3 grid on instagram can be done in a large amount.

Each are done automatically when outputted through photoshop.

Here’s a great way to keep track of what grid you are on or in… Who knows.

Here’s another wide angle of another insect. One less filter. Truly a beautiful arrangement of photos.

Okay enough insects what’s going on here?

It’s about keeping track of what to name files, and a place to help you with the math. If you can keep track before you output, you’re going to be doing just fine. Otherwise this will be an absolute mess to keep track of.

1000/3=X. Try and solve for X for both Height and Width. Make a box around your content, even if that means expanding your canvas size outside of the image. Make a cool background, I’ve seen it and it gets a lot of clicks on instagram!

My grid followed a simple 9 to 1. I wrote it on paper, and now using Google Sheets above.

Why am I showing you this grid for instagram?

Well if you’re still reading you probably want more followers, I get it.

Personally I don’t follow the grid. But will want to when I find more time. For now, let’s discuss this quick bit of content I’ve generated for my wife to throw on her instagram!

Because if you’re going to output 101 images through photoshop, with canvas changes, you’re probably going to want to know which Square goes into which box. In my case…

I used several filters across 101 images. Without the grid of numbers I would have named the files incorrectly.

Another shot without the 3x3.

If you’re at least doing good subtraction and able to divide by 3. This should be not too bad.

Okay please look at the anchor. You’re going to play with that until you make a box.

Again this isn’t about math! So for the sake of speed, use the anchor to offer the correct slices you need. Slice to the big square first, build your 9x9 numbering system on paper, and cross it off the list each time.

Some people try to solve it here, a web dev asking for simple HOW TO EXPORT LAYERS….

To be honest it looks fake and only built to RANK, and sorta techy and absolutely wrong from my perspective. Maybe linking to them will tell them to clean this up.

The web dev just needs to highlight layers to do it…

Once you highlight, left click, hold shift, no biggy.

Then click again, snap just like a computer. So shift left click, highlights. Get what you want, and right click for export options.

Choose wisely — ‘Export as’ will offer the most selections.

Go with Jpeg for pictures and PNG for flat basic images. Jpeg always works best unless you’re an OG at optimizing images down, and offering PNG because you love that transparent game! It totally works, it’s great.

Sharable links and direct links to Grid 1 through 9 — for my love. We have a great life together.

Link share with your mate, find a good piece of art, and let me know if I can send you the original. Happy to. Use the short links to share with your friends, family, and mates.

Grid 1 for my lovely wife.

Grid 2 for my beautiful wife.

Grid 3 for the best wife in the world.

Grid 4 for my best friend.

Grid 5 for my one true love.

Grid 6 enjoy my dear!

Grid 7, to the right to the top right.

  • — not going to lie, I accidentally did Grid-8 on Grid-7. Son of a… okay no worries. *cries*

Grid 8, where normally the head will be lol.

Grid 9 is the last grid my love.

The way Photoshop handles this, is truly inspiring.

You can bullshit with me all day but the 3x3 really works and everyone I’ve seen doing it has a ton of followers.

Be diligent. And follow me to keep up with my music company. And my other tech company dev3 has an instagram too.

My beautiful baby boy, another great pic in the collection, truly excited to see this image sprawled by 3x3.

