Choose and Decide Wisely for a Simple and Uncomplicated Life Journey

Things to keep in mind when choosing and making decisions.

Devi Cadaeg
4 min readSep 11, 2023
Girl wearing the “choose life” white t-shirt.
Photo by Steve Harrris on Unsplash

Are you trying to decide what to wear on your date tonight? Or just the clothes you’ll wear to meet a friend in the nearby coffee shop?

In these day-to-day situations, you have the right to choose what you think is the best outfit you should put on. And you will choose what makes you feel better.

So, if you’ve got choices and need to decide what course in life will you go for? How would you choose?

Some principles will help you choose and make better decisions to get the best results.

Learn from Experiences

You might have heard or are familiar with the phrase “learn from experience” but did you also consider learning from other’s experiences?

I, for one, am a fan of learning from what others already experienced.

Why would you want to go the same path where others have already failed in that area? Isn’t it wiser to learn from it? And do it the other way around?

It’s like a scientific experiment. If it passes the success criteria, use the same formula. You’ll be ahead of others on your life experiment.

So, reading books, online or offline, you will get to see about a person’s experience in life, and it helps.

One of the most popular books is Personal and Authentic by Thomas C. Murray.

But remember that it is not just blindly following others. You should also have the ability to think on your own.

The Ability to Think

In choosing and making decisions, are you using your ability to think?

You need to differentiate between what is right and what is wrong.

According to the article Difference between Right and Wrong from the website Difference Between.

Right means following the set of rules and regulations that have been set by the governing nation which a person resides in. It can also mean a person is fair, just and accurate. Wrong is basically the opposite of right. It is everything that is against laws, ethics, morals, etc. It can also mean that a person has made an error, a miscalculation or has flawed reasoning.

What contributes to distinguishing right from wrong is a person’s moral. It helps to understand your actions and that you are responsible for your own behavior.

Therefore, to have high morals, you should exercise your conscience.

Why, you’d ask.

Because your conscience is part of your behavior, it will tell you to always be fair. It will help you make decisions that you know will not be bad for yourself and for others.

So, instead of settling for a choice that has just come to mind or being impulsive, use your ability to think first.

Don’t Act on Impulse

As a human being, you have given abilities so you can use them and you should do so.

What often are the effects of impulsive decision-making?

According to Martin, Laura E., and Geoffrey F. Potts from the “Impulsivity in Decision-Making: An Event-Related Potential Investigation.”

Impulsive individuals make risky choices, motivated more by immediate reward than potential long-term negative consequences.

If you want to know why it is very common and just the usual when acting on impulse, Dr. David Lewis wrote about it in his book.

Lewis investigates two kinds of thinking that occur in the brain: one slow and reflective, the other fast but prone to error. In ways we cannot control, our mental tracks switch from the first type to the second, resulting in impulsive actions.

As you can see, acting on impulse is prone to making errors especially when you want to succeed in your goals.

So, would you rather opt for a fast and simple route or one that is carefully thought out and planned to action?

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Devi Cadaeg

Self-proclaimed writer, marketing enthusiast, and language learner. Life gets hard, but it's not forever, be happy all the time. This is me