My Path to Letting Go

Stumbling blocks here and there but start something new.

Devi Cadaeg
4 min readJul 30, 2023


Burning a photo.
Photo by Yuvraj Singh on Unsplash

Let go of all the negativity surrounding you because you deserve to live happily!

It is scary to let go of something you have, not knowing what will become of you once it’s gone. Those attachments were part of ourselves.

But consider it because it will be good for you to find your best version.

Discover the New and Positive You

The same as for how removing toxins from our bodies promotes better health. Let go of all the negativity. People, habits, and thoughts can lead to emotional and psychological well-being.

I read in Psychology Today that “when you let go, you create space for something new to happen. It’s like having a closet of junk, things you no longer use or need. Do you even know what’s in there? It’s essential to stop and take stock of what you need emotionally, psychologically, physically, and spiritually.”

At a certain point in my life, I forgot who I was.

Back then, some people were very dear to me, who I loved. At first, I thought they were doing good to me. I thought that I felt happiness. But then, eventually, I realized I tend to self-depreciate, was unhappy, and engaged in activities I initially disliked.

Looking back, it feels like a distant dream, a time I barely recognize. That was undoubtedly, so far, the most painful experience I’ve ever gone through. However, it also taught me to find myself and let go of all the negativity.

The people who didn’t contribute positively to my life.

Therefore, my first step involved introspection. I learned to examine and understand myself more.

Do Self-reflection

Letting go isn’t easy; it requires deep self-reflection to realize that I must distance myself from negativity.

Self-reflection allowed me to gain profound self-awareness. I understood my behaviors, emotions, and thoughts and how external factors affected me. It empowered me to make decisions that I think will bring positive outcomes.

Do, reflect on yourself too!

Because you will learn how things or people and your habits affect you. That leads you to make decisions that will give you positive or negative outcomes.

You will discover if you are acting in your best interest or for others’ benefit.

There are those people who will undermine your confidence and self-belief, and you will forget your true identity.

Do not forget that there are also negative habits like procrastination. It will lead you to miss opportunities and hinder your progress. Sometimes, people tend to criticize themselves or maybe dwell on their past mistakes.

You can’t exclude negative thoughts, such as believing someone will always fail regardless of their efforts. Or lose hope in pursuing their dreams because circumstances were holding them back.

Through reflecting on myself, I found who I am again.

This process helped me see that I was giving too much without receiving anything in return.

I often found myself feeling sad or crying more than feeling happy about myself. It even led to minor depression and anxiety.

It was evident that they were undermining my confidence and expectations, making it impossible for me to be the person I aspired to be.

I realized this after I began to look again at myself. I am not who I was before. It is not me or who I want to be.

Be Who You Are and Let Go

When you let go of all the negativity, you will create and decide the new you. Of course, it will be you who is confident and happy.

You can never control others or the circumstances around you, but you can always control your decisions, emotions, and actions.

I like these 5 tips that will help in letting go of the attachments in our lives.

  1. Pause and Reflect: When negativity strikes, take a moment to breathe and ask yourself if it will matter in a few days. If not, try to let it go. These are mostly letting go of minor issues. It will help in practicing applying to let go of all the negativity.
  2. Find a Release Ritual: Create a personal ritual to symbolize letting go. Write down negative thoughts, then tear up the paper or burn them physically. Although I like writing my painful thoughts then put aside the notebook somewhere out of reach at that moment.
  3. Be Present: Engage in activities that demand your full attention, like cooking or playing music, to stay in the moment and avoid dwelling on negativity. Working out or running is also helpful.
  4. Forgive Yourself and Others: Let go of grudges and practice forgiveness. It will be both for yourself and those who have hurt you. You will feel lighter and helps you to move forward.
  5. Use Positive Affirmations: Combat negative self-talk with positive affirmations. Repeat uplifting statements daily to reinforce a positive mindset. You can also write your affirmations in your journal or somewhere on social media.

Application of what you read here will give you the outcome that you deserve.

It is overwhelming to finally know myself again after letting go. It’s been a challenging and transformative journey filled with ups and downs. It was not easy.

There were times when I slipped back into old habits and felt overwhelmed, even shedding tears over memories.

But I learned that healing takes time, and the process of letting go requires patience. Through this journey, I was able to free myself from the past and embrace the new me.

I am proud to say that I successfully let go and achieved mental well-being. If I can do it, anyone can. The liberation and genuine happiness that come after letting go are truly worth the effort.



Devi Cadaeg

Self-proclaimed writer, marketing enthusiast, and language learner. Life gets hard, but it's not forever, be happy all the time. This is me