The Psychology behind the Perception of Airline Award Availability

David Feldman
6 min readOct 14, 2018

How do you feel about going swimming at the beach right after watching Shark Week?

Have the statistical chances of being eaten by a shark increased because you watched Shark Week?

Of course not!

But if you’re like many folks — you’re probably thinking about sharks a little more than usual, and a bit hesitant to get in the water.

If we took the time to rationally consider the statistics — we know that the chances of seeing a shark, let alone being attacked by one — are so remote it’s almost not worth thinking about it.

But think about it we do…

Previously — we’ve looked at the psychology of frequent flyer award redemptions, the effect of reinforcement and the impact it has on driving behavior.

But what about our perception of being able to redeem that first-class award seat to Paris?

How will that affect our decision-process when thinking about joining the airline’s frequent flyer program or signing up for their credit card?

And what about our perception of the airline passenger experience?

Let’s take a quick look at the psychology that affects our perception…




David Feldman

Publisher & global speaker on hotel & airline loyalty programs.