How to Deal with Negative Emotions — The Hidden Power of the Imagination (#2)

Diana Craciun
8 min readApr 16, 2024

Previously, I wrote about how imagining yourself doing something you struggle with — going to the gym, asking a question at a conference — can make you more likely to want to do it and even to follow through. To put it in a slogan, imagine it, and you will do it.

Yet I also discussed a potential limitation of that: fantasising about something you wish for (being rich, becoming a CEO, winning a Nobel prize), may lower your motivation and actually hinder your progress. This is probably because your brain will feel like it already reached its goal — so the sense of urgency that normally leads to working hard for that goal is lessened.

In this article, however, I will focus on another way the imagination can be helpful: dealing with negative emotions.

Do you tend to be shy when talking to someone you find attractive? Or to be anxious before making a call or taking an exam? Perhaps the imagination may be the way to address these responses. Here’s how.

*My discussion closely follows that of and is indebted to the work of Andrea Rivadulla-Duró (forthcoming).

Photo by Etienne Boulanger on Unsplash

Treatment for Phobias or Other Unwanted Emotional Dispositions



Diana Craciun

Philosophy PhD student tackling literature, culture, productivity and lifestyle with an academic bend.