Job Search 2019: How Nancy Pelosi and Remote Work Saved Me

This is my story of how a serial entrepreneur for over 30 years turned 55-year-old stay-at-home mother of a toddler, found her way back to a Silicon Valley startup

Dianna Mullins
17 min readNov 7, 2019
Photo by Hello I'm Nik 🇬🇧 on Unsplash

So often we see social media posts of people sharing that they found exciting new jobs, without sharing the process of exactly how that happened. This can lead many of us to think that finding a job is always simple and quick. That was not the case for me. It is my hope that by sharing some of the details of my journey to employment, others who are struggling will find tips, tools and hope. If you are on this path, know that you are relevant, your experience is worth much more than you may believe, and that you deserve to work with people that are aligned with your values, beliefs and attitudes. #GoGet‘Em

My silicon valley startup experience began in 1986, and after a long and circuitous career made up of a handful of ventures; in 2004 I found myself co-founding a company that became known as one of the “darlings of the valley”. 12 years later, for reasons I discuss in an article published in 2016, this same “darling” was quoted as “one of the worst unicorn failures in silicon valley history.”



Dianna Mullins

A serial entrepreneur and co-founder of venture-backed Mode Media. She has a deep passion for startups, equality and inclusion, women-led ventures, and coffee.