Email Reseller: What It Is and How To Become One

3 min readJun 5, 2022

Campaigner’s email platform offers a program for Email marketing reseller. Learn what an email reseller is and why email is an important platform.

What is a merchant?
In the area of ​​email marketing, email distributors are companies that take software from email service providers such as Campaigner and offer it to their customers under their company brand and label.

This means that instead of starting and building an email marketing platform from scratch, companies can take a solid Campaigner platform and offer it to their customers as if it were their own. Campaigners remove any branding from it and allow companies to add their own logos.

While Campaigner still charges a fee, businesses can offer their customers more and expand their services to improve their customer experience and grow their customer base.

Why is email marketing important?
Email marketing is a fundamental tool for every merchant and every business. Subscribers who sign up for email newsletters choose to receive news from you. They have expressed interest and requested more information or content by registering. This gives you a stronger chance to persuade them to buy the product and take action that will benefit the company. In fact, email can be so effective that the average return on investment for every dollar spent on email marketing is $42.

Today, most of the companies realize the value and importance of email marketing for their business. white label email marketing reseller is also very useful in the B2B space. 87% of B2B companies use email to reach their customers and share organic content, and 79% in B2C. This means distributors are in dire need of an email marketing solution that will help them share their content effectively in a way to maintain a robust delivery that is strong enough to meet their goals.

How to become a reseller?

When it comes to email marketing, companies can consider a variety of ESPs for doing business. It is important to know what your customers want and what their needs are before making a decision. For that, the first step to become a distributor is to contact ESP who voluntarily become a campaigner. Campaigner’s email marketing platform gives distributors control over how they market and brand the platform to their audience.

With Campaigner, merchants can control which features and price points are offered to their customers. Retailers can easily manage their controls and tailor their offerings to their customers. This email marketing platform offers powerful features that allow clients to automate their campaigns and create highly personalized email experiences for subscribers.

The platform has detailed reporting capabilities and allows your subscribers to learn more about their customers and continuously improve the results of their email campaigns. Whether you’re expanding your service to support the needs of your existing customers and expanding your audience, or starting a new business, reselling an email marketing platform can be very successful.

Without starting and building a platform from scratch, white labeling and reselling an email marketing platform like Campaigner can be an easy way to improve your customer experience. Talk to our sales team today for learn more about Email marketing reseller plan.




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