2.2 Pipeline CI/CD — GitHub, Maven, Jenkins, Artifactory, SonarQube, Docker, Ansible, Tomcat

Dileep Prithvi
3 min readJun 5, 2020


This is the continuation to the Previous Post 2.1 Pipeline CI/CD — GitHub, Maven, Jenkins, Artifactory, SonarQube, Docker, Ansible, Tomcat

  • Breaking the Code:

Link to the Jenkins File — Click

Jenkins Pipeline Style: Declarative Jenkins Pipeline


In the above Screenshot Fig.1.1

  • Defined the maven and Artifactory methods globally in Jenkins File
  • Defined the method DockerTag() globally to get the latest commit ID
  • Included the options to have the timestamps and log rotation of the builds.
  • Set the tools name of Java and Maven location as mentioned in the Jenkins — Global Tool Configuration ( Refer Screenshot Fig1.2) below.

Set the Environment of SonarQube scanner tool name as mentioned in the Jenkins — Global Tool Configuration ( Refer Screenshot Fig1.2) above.

  • In the Screenshot above Fig1.3 explains the Artifactory, SonarQube Analysis, SonarQube Quality gate Stage.

Note: “ Quality Gate” stage is written in the Jenkins File to make the Jenkins build fail if the Sonar Quality Gate metrics is not met.

  • In the Screenshot above Fig1.4, the docker image is build and pushed to the Docker Hub.
  • Running the Docker Container of tomcat to port 8050

Note: Dockerfile is found here

  • In the above Screenshot Fig1.5, changed the RUN command to startup the tomcat server with the Port 8050 ( Default port is 8080)
  • The above screenshot explains about the triggering of the Ansible Playbook. Please find the screenshot of the Ansible Playbook below. Refer Fig.1.6
  • In the Playbook, vars is written to get the output of the latest commit ID of the Git referencing from the environment variable ‘DOCKER_TAG’ [Refer Fig1.1] in the Jenkinsfile
  • Defined the tasks to delete the previous / old containers and the images.
  • ignore_errors is mentioned in the tasks for error handling.
  • “creating docker image” task is to run the container with the tag of the latest git commit.


We have integrated the Jenkins with the Ansible and made the playbook to run in the target machines. In our lab setup, the targets are the tomcat server ( created from the Docker) which is mentioned in the inventory file.

I hope this guide helped you! Enjoy Learning and have fun!!! 😊😊



Dileep Prithvi

AWS Certified Solution Architect– Associate. Skill set - AWS, DevOps