2.1 Pipeline CI/CD — GitHub, Maven, Jenkins, Artifactory, SonarQube, Docker, Ansible, Tomcat

Dileep Prithvi
2 min readJun 5, 2020


I hope you had visited the previous stories and this is the continuation of it.


This Lab Setup describes about the inclusion of Ansible to trigger the Playbooks in ’N’ number of target machines. The target machines can be assumed to be INT, QA, UAT, Production Environment.

  • I have divided the story in to Two Sections.

2.1 Pipeline CI/CD — GitHub, Maven, Jenkins, Artifactory, SonarQube, Docker, Ansible, Tomcat

2.2 Pipeline CI/CD — GitHub, Maven, Jenkins, Artifactory, SonarQube, Docker, Ansible, Tomcat

In this article, we will discuss the Jenkins Declarative Pipeline Approach of Building the CI/CD Pipeline

Application: Spring Boot Hello World

Tools Used:

  • GitHub — Source Code Management
  • Maven — Build Tool
  • Jenkins — Continuous Integration (CI/CD)
  • Artifactory — Artifact Repository Manager
  • SonarQube — Code Quality and Code Analysis
  • Docker — Container Engine
  • Ansible — Configuration Management Tool
  • Tomcat — Application Server


Lab Setup:

  • Creation of the Jenkins Job — — Pipeline Project
  • Go to Pipeline Section, Select the Git Repository and save the job

GitHub URL: https://github.com/Dileeprithvi/DeclarativeCI-CD-Ansible.git

Branch: master

  • Clicking on the build to trigger the Job.
  • Please find the Output Below.

Jenkins Console Output Log is attached for your reference in the GitHub.

To check the code is deployed correctly, Please follow the below URL Pattern:


  • Jenkins Pipeline Stages Screenshot:
Pipeline Stage Screenshot
  • Breaking the Code:

We can examine the Jenkinsfile in this Page



Dileep Prithvi

AWS Certified Solution Architect– Associate. Skill set - AWS, DevOps