DIW Token Update: Bounty and Airdrop Finalised

DIW Token
2 min readAug 23, 2018


Well, what a roller coaster ride this was. With all that’s been going on in the market recently and the Ethereum network congestion causing the postponement of our token distribution, we can wave the flag of victory with confidence and say that our immediate goals have been met.

As mentioned in our previously featured article, token distribution began with our Translators/Moderators along with our Signature and Advance Media campaigners. But as you may know, the price of gwei within the Ethereum network was way too high to make any kind of large transaction. So the DIW team decided to wait it out and issue tokens when the price of gwei decreased and reached a satisfactory amount. As predicted, the price receded and social media bounties, article/blog/media bounties and yes, all airdrop participants received their DIW tokens. As you may have noticed, the distribution of tokens finished a couple weeks back, but a few members of our community informed us they did not receive their tokens, so we had to tie loose ends. Now that the distribution of bounties and airdrop is almost out of the way, the DIW team can focus on the most important matters.

DIW is and will be moving in a positive motion. This means that from here on out, we need to focus on our number one priority and goal — the development of our product. We can tell you now that we are proceeding very well and that the Vault will be Mobile App based with its user interface (UI) already taking form in the background. The development team has been attending meetings and discussing for many hours the successful completion of the App. So bear in mind that we need time to develop the app and take it through its paces correctly. Rest assured, you will be informed via announcements in our group and channel about the progress of our product.

As regards Exchange platforms, we are currently listed on LAToken and IDEx and we will continue looking into being listed in larger exchanges. The time for this will also come, so we implore you to be patient, after-all good things come to those who wait.

Once again, the DIW team would like to thank all who participated in making noise for DIW Token. Although it was a “bumpy ride” from the start, you helped by making DIW Token known around the globe, whether it was by writing an article, creating a video or representing us with a positive comment or vibe.

We are at your disposal at any time. Contact us using any of the following:

Telegram Group: https://t.me/diwtoken

Telegram Channel: https://t.me/DIWtokenAnn

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/diwtoken/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/diwtoken

Bitcointalk ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2567416

Bitcointalk Bounty: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2682890

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/diwtoken/

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/diwtoken/

Medium/Blog: https://medium.com/@diwtoken



DIW Token

DIW is a decentralized infrastructure which enables account holders to safeguard their virtual life while accessing a series of DApps via its network.