Password Management by the Average User

DIW Token
3 min readAug 26, 2019

As technology advances and becomes a vital part of our everyday life, the number of accounts and passwords we need to manage increases. Most of our sensitive information is stored online and it is essential for users to reevaluate their outdated or potentially vulnerable password management methods.


The simplest way to save and store your passwords is to write them down on a piece of paper. Although it is a foolproof way to avoid compromising your credentials online, since you cannot hack paper, this method has its own drawbacks.

A simple piece of paper is likely to get lost, destroyed or even worse, end up in the wrong hands. Not to mention, you might even forget where you have it hidden!

Notepad, Excel, mobile notes, etc.

This is, in fact, a far worse solution than saving passwords on paper. If the user accidentally installs malware or someone else has physical access to the device, the information will get compromised.

Even if the user adds file encryption and password protection, there is the possibility that the device gets stolen or the hard drive crashes and all credentials get lost.

Web browser

Most of the browsers now offer a built-in password management option which syncs across all the user’s devices. If you choose to use this method, your passwords are vulnerable to anyone who manages to access your computer either physically or remotely.

Especially for Chrome users, the login credentials are not password protected making them available to prying eyes with a simple click of a button.

Private password managers

Using a password manager is possibly the easiest and secure solution currently available in the market. Password managers not only protect your login credentials and other types of sensitive information, they also generate secure and complex passwords that you can use to create a new account or replace your password on an existing one.

Users can also simplify their everyday browsing by activating the autofill option and automatically log into their online accounts.

Password managers’ controversy

A few months ago, the Independent Security Evaluators (ISE) tested some of the top password managers and reported that they were able to extract the master passwords from the PC’s RAM while the password managers were locked.

DIW’s objective

DIW’s mobile application launch screen.

Despite its constricting budget, the team is dedicated to adhering to its goal, presented during the previous updates, of developing a highly valued competitive solution to what is currently on the market.

Instead of creating a desktop app, our developers have used the mobile device for the DIW main app. Mobile devices have a smaller area of attack and by combining the mobile app with a browser extension, users can enjoy the benefits of a password manager with the least amount of information stored on the computer’s RAM. This way we aim to limit vulnerabilities and create a secure solution that will not expose the user’s data in case of a computer hack.

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DIW Token

DIW is a decentralized infrastructure which enables account holders to safeguard their virtual life while accessing a series of DApps via its network.