Game mode: Dizzy Detectives

Dizzy Lizzy Game
3 min readNov 14, 2023


There is a mystery Lizzy on the table. It’s up to you to work together and unravel her colours and patterns without looking!

This game is played together and can be played with two or more players.

Goal of the game

Work together to unravel the hidden Lizzy combination on the table. Once the detective team feels confident, they may call out all three body-part cards (e.g. ‘head blue dots, body purple stripes, tail purple stripes.’) and turn over the cards on the table to see if they got it right!

A Lizzy with all the same patterns and colours.


  1. Select the complete Lizzies to play with. Each complete Lizzy must have all the same colours and the same patterns. The amount of complete Lizzies to be selected is the amount of players + 1.
  2. Once the Lizzies are selected, they are put into three blind piles: one heads pile, one body pile, and one tails pile. The three piles are then shuffled.
  3. Now, each player receives one random card from the head pile, one from the bodies pile, and one from the tails pile.
  4. The leftover head, body, and tail cards are put upside down in the middle of the table.

How it’s played

The cards in the players’ hands say something about the mystery Lizzy on the table: The mystery Lizzy consists of the cards that are not in any of the players’ hands! However, the detectives may not just freely share the cards they have in their hands. They may discuss strategies as they want, but they may only share information about their cards in the following way:

  1. The players take turns clockwise. Each turn, a player may ask one yes or no question to all of the other players (the same question to all players.
  2. After each question, the player having asked the question must place one of his/her cards upside down on the table (better remember the card!).
  3. Once all the cards are upside down on the table, the players have run out of questions.

Hopefully, the players have collaborated well and, by now, together, can name the mystery Lizzie’s cards on the table before turning it over!

Dizzy Ideas worth sharing!

Alternative ways to play

Too easy? — Seriously? Are you sure? What kind of super-detective squad are you guys? Well then… How about trying the same game, but instead of giving each player one random head-, body-, and tail card, you shuffle the cards first and give each player just three random cards instead? This way, you don’t even know what body parts the other players have in their hands. Good luck!

Too difficult? — We don’t blame you… We suffer from poor memory as well! try to make each detective responsible for remembering specific aspects… For example, one is responsible for figuring out and remembering the head. If it’s still too hard, try to play the same game but with only Lizzy heads instead of full Lizzies (head + body + tail).

Competitive — In the ‘Guessy Lizzy’ game mode, two or more players interrogate each other to find out exactly what their opponents’ Lizzy is!

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Together making Dizzy Lizzy more and more fun through play, that’s the goal! We continuously share her growth and fun new game ideas, Dizzy Lizzy is also very curious about your experience & ideas! You can find her on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Linked-In, and reach us via email at

Get Down ‘n Dizzy with us! — Team Dizzy Lizzy



Dizzy Lizzy Game

Dizzy Lizzy is the latest dizzying cardgame from the Netherlands. Get Down 'n Dizzy with us @! 🦎