Introducing — LookyLizzy

Dizzy Lizzy Game
2 min readNov 8, 2023


Where is Waldo? No, who is Waldo! Or better said… Who is Lizzy? Because in LookyLizzy, it’s not hard to find a Lizzy the question is… How fast can you spot the right one?

Look closely…

LookyLizzy is the first side step in ‘Dizzy Lizzy Land’ where a new but equally simple base mechanic is introduced:

Have something randomly generate a set of attributes, and provide a view filled with characters that together display each of the possibly generated attributes, out of which one will match with the randomly generated set of attributes.

So what are the attributes to be looked for in LookyLizzy? Naturally; Colours and patterns per body part!

And what is used to generate a random combination of attributes? The Dizzy Lizzy Dice! — Forming one Lizzy with a specific combination of colours and patterns at each throw.

This first concept poster was made in collaboration with Chase A Cloud, and illustrated by Micol Ganzerli.

And where can these Lizzies be found after throwing the Dice? On the LookyLizzy (poster)!

The first iteration of LookyLizzy consists of one poster displaying 27 Lizzies in combination with three dice; one dice with 3 head variations, one dice with 3 body variations, and one dice with 3 tail variations — which together can be thrown to form 3x3x3 = 27 different combinations to be found on the poster!

Feel free to reach out to us about anything!

As Dizzy Lizzy matures, LookyLizzy will take further shape… Who knows? Maybe the LookyLizzy to other mediums (such as books or interactive digital games) or other universes.

If you are interested in exploring this mechanic further with us, please feel free to reach out. You can find Dizzy Lizzy on her Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Linked-In, and reach us via email at



Dizzy Lizzy Game

Dizzy Lizzy is the latest dizzying cardgame from the Netherlands. Get Down 'n Dizzy with us @! 🦎