Introducing: Dizzy Dice

Dizzy Lizzy Game
4 min readNov 10, 2023


Spice things up by getting Dicy: Dizzy Lizzy Dice captured the core mechanic of the Dizzy Lizzy cards into three little dicies.

Three little dicies: One head-, one body-, and one tail dice!

Since Dizzy Lizzy was first introduced as a card game in the summer of 2023 the limits of her core mechanic have been explored by over one thousand families who joined to play. The Dizzy Lizzy card game — which comprised of 18 head cards, 18 body cards, 18 tail cards, three colour variations, and three pattern variations — provided well-balanced odds regarding the occurrence of its correct combination conditions:

The core mechanic of Dizzy Lizzy visualised!

The Dizzy Lizzy must always at least satisfy one of the following four combination conditions:

1. All colours are the same
2. All colours are different
3. All patterns are the same
4. All patterns are different

This shared exploration has resulted in over a dozen published game modes and variations to date, solely based on the cards. And although there is plenty more in the cards, depending on what you play, sometimes it’s just better to roll the dice!

Especially in speed-based games where rolling the dice gives both a break to breathe and an equal starting point for all its players, and also in game modes where a fun randomization adds extra flavour to the play.

So, the challenge arose to translate the core mechanic expressed in the cards into Dizzy Lizzy Dice!

From cards… to Dice!

Geek alert segment!

But how do you translate a card game with 54 cards with nine unique head, body, and tail variations onto three six-sided dice? A solution is to not focus on all the variations but instead on making the dice represent similar combination outcomes as the deck of cards:

  • All colours of heads, bodies and tails should be possible to be thrown.
  • All patterns of heads, bodies and tails should be possible to be thrown.
  • All the same and all different colours should be possible to be thrown.
  • All the same and all different patterns should be possible to be thrown.
  • It should be possible to throw an invalid combination.

The balance was found in the following way, where each dice displays three different variations of part + variable 1 + variable 2 combined. In this case variable 1 is colours (1 Blue, 2 Purple, 3 Red), and variable 2 is patterns (1 Diamond, 2 Dots, 3 Stripes).

  1. Heads dice
    - Sides 1 & 4 are printed with V1.1 and V2.2
    - Sides 2 & 5 are printed with V1.2 and V2.1
    - Sides 3 & 6 are printed with V1.3 and V2.3
  2. Body dice
    - Sides 1 & 4 are printed with V1.3 and V2.3
    - Sides 2 & 5 are printed with V1.1 and V2.2
    - Sides 3 & 6 are printed with V1.2 and V2.1
  3. Tail dice
    - Sides 1 & 4 are printed with V1.2 and V2.3
    - Sides 2 & 5 are printed with V1.3 and V2.2
    - Sides 3 & 6 are printed with V1.1 and V2.1

This composition of elements on the dice results in a balanced 1/3rd chance of throwing a colour combination, 1/3rd of throwing a pattern combination, and 1/3rd of throwing no combination. While limiting the total combinations to be thrown to 27 and still displaying each valid combination type, and each body part + pattern and body part + colour combination.

End of Geek alert!

Dizzy Dice could be the glue that bridges all shapes of Dizzy Lizzy!

Their balanced odds to display all combinations of Dizzy Lizzy her core mechanic makes the Dizzy Dice ideal to bring an extra dimension to the Dizzy Lizzy Card game (as shown in the game modes Catch ‘n Snatch, Tag-team Challenge, and Shuffle Puzzle) while simultaneously bridging perfectly to ‘throw-and-seek’ play with the LookyLizzy poster, and other elements that are in the cards for Dizzy Lizzy. Or should we say… in the Dice?!

You can find Dizzy Lizzy on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter!

Together making Dizzy Lizzy more and more fun through play, that’s the goal! We continuously share her growth and fun new game ideas, Dizzy Lizzy is also very curious about your experience & ideas! You can find her on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Linked-In, and reach us via email at

Get Down ‘n Dizzy with us! — Team Dizzy Lizzy



Dizzy Lizzy Game

Dizzy Lizzy is the latest dizzying cardgame from the Netherlands. Get Down 'n Dizzy with us @! 🦎