Egg + Serlina = ❤️

2 min readAug 7, 2018


We wrote a ton of internal web tools in our team, using React and Ant.Design. Every time we bootstrap a new web application, we need to bootstrap both frontend code and backend code. And write some glue code between frontend and backend to make them work well together.

I sometimes miss the time I was using PHP. Because I can write all the codes on the server side, then render it out. So I always think that what if we write React code on the server side and just render them?

Then Next.js came out. I really love it. But when I try to integrate Next.js to my Egg application, something stuck me. Because Next.js needs to handle the http context, which is taking an important part in Egg.

So I decided to make a serverside-rendering framework that without taking control of the http context. It’s called Serlina.

In this post, I am gonna tell you how to use Serlina in Egg.

Suppose you have a basic Egg application:

- app
- router.js
- config
- package.json

Now install egg-serlina:

npm i egg-serlina react react-dom --save

Enable it:

// {app_root}/config/plugin.js
exports.serlina = {
enable: true,
package: 'egg-serlina',

You can write your first page now. Just create a folder named client:

- app_root
- app
+ - client
+ - page
+ - page1.js

Write your page component:

// {app_root}/client/page/page1.js

export default () => {
return <div>Hello Serlina</div>

That is! Now you have two way to render this page:

Write a controller and render it manually:

// app/controller/page1.jsmodule.exports = ctx => {
const rendered = await'page1')
ctx.body = rendered.string

or using auto mapping by the plugin:

// config/config.default.jsexports.serlina = {
map: {
'/page1': 'page1'

Now, visit http://HOST:PORT/page1 and you will see the page!

Use with Ant.Design

While Serlina support custom Webpack config, you can use Ant.Design easily. We wrote a reusable config helper to make it simpler:

// serlina.config.jsconst { withAntd } = require('antd-serlina-webpack-config')module.exports = {
webpack: withAntd()

You can see the whole integrate step in:

If you are interested in Serlina, please see:

Serlina full documentations:





Coding since my 13. Writing JavaScript. Now at Alibaba Inc.