Best Instagram Bios for Small Business with Examples and Tips

Create a perfect Instagram bio using best practices.

Dmitry Moro
9 min readNov 18, 2022
Small business Instagram bio

What is Instagram Bio

Instagram bio is a part of your Instagram profile that describes your small business to your customers. It consists of 7 main things:

  • Username / Name
  • Profile image
  • Description
  • Link
  • Business Category
  • Action Buttons
  • Story Highlights

Why Instagram Bio is Important for Small Business

Your Instagram bio is the online face of your small business. It’s the first thing your customers see when they want to learn more about your brand.

That’s why the best Instagram bio not only tells what a business sells but also establishes a memorable brand presence.

So, spending time to perfect your Instagram bio should be a part of any online business content plan if they want to succeed on social media like Instagram.

And that’s why I decided to create a list of the best examples of bios on Instagram to give you ideas for your profile.

15 Best Small Business Instagram Bios

Let’s go through every part of an Instagram bio and discuss the best practices. Starting with naming your profile.

Choose the Best Instagram Username / Name — @viciousdogs & @daddydogsnash

People use your Instagram username to find you online and to tell their friends about your business. And that’s why the username has to be straightforward.

You don’t want it to be too wordy.

Instagram username that is too long

You don’t want it to be too generic.

Instagram username that is too generic

You want it to be simple and memorable.

I always say that the best Instagram username for any small business is simply the brand name. Look at the bio sample of @viciousdogs

Using brand name as Instagram username

That way, it’s easy for people to search your Instagram profile no matter how they learned about you. If they know your brand name, they’ll find you.

But what if someone took your business name? Then what?

In that situation, you have to play it smart. Like @daddydogsnash did.

Even though they couldn’t use their small business name as their Instagram username, they still chose one that contains it.

And notice that it doesn’t just contain the brand name — it starts with it.

Instagram username that starts with a brand name

So whenever someone searches for Daddy’s Dogs, their profile will always be the first result.

Search results on Instagram

When it comes to the name, I strongly believe that besides your brand name, it must have a business-related keyword.

Including a related keyword in Instagram name

And if you’re a local business owner, you might consider including your location in the name.

Including small business location in Instagarm Name

Pick a Memorable Profile Picture — @gabriellescakery & @backlebe84

Many small businesses spend a lot of time and money to produce the best product photos possible but completely neglect the most important photo on their Instagram profile.

Don’t forget that your profile picture is not only visible in your Instagram bio. People see it in their feed whenever you post a photo, video, or Story. So, it’s actually the most visible image of your small business on Instagram.

Again, the best choice here is your brand’s logo. Because you want your small business to look the same over all social media platforms, Google maps, etc.

Brand logo as Instagram Profile Image

It makes your profile instantly recognizable, more professional, and trustworthy.

If you’re just starting and don’t have a logo yet, you can always use a photo of your product.

Using a photo of your product as Instagram profile image

Make sure it’s not a generic photo that can be found on dozens of different accounts, though. Take the best picture of your best-selling product and use it as your logo.

And then invest in the professional logo as soon as possible!

Make Your Instagram Description Work for You — @newcity.coffeeco & @flippingahouse

You already know that you should use Instagram description to tell people about your small business. And obviously, no one can describe the business better than the business owner.

But I don’t want to discuss what to say, but how to say it.

You can see that many small businesses use all 150 symbols of Instagram bio descriptions to write an essay.

Unstructured Instagram description

Believe me, no one will read it. Barely anyone will even notice it.

It’s a reflex at this point. We see so much unstructured text every day that our brains stopped recognizing it as information.

Start with a structure. Short straight-to-the-point sentences. If it’s not important it must be removed.

Well structured Instagram description

Then add emojis. The more colors you use, the better the chance that people will notice it.

Using emojis in Instagram description

But don’t overdo it. A professional small business should not look like a children’s coloring book (even if you sell children’s coloring books).

When it comes to the Instagram description, I always recommend the 130/20 rule:

  • 130 symbols to describe your business
  • 20 symbols to call to action

Yes, a call to action must be a part of your Instagram description if you want to successfully sell on that social media.

Usually, a call to action is a short sentence that tells your customers where to click and why.

Call to action in Instagram description

Or, if you don’t have enough space, you can use an arrow emoji to tell customers where to click.

Call to action with an emoji in Instagram description

That way you make your link impossible to miss.

Increase Your Sales with the Link In Bio — @frodebolhuis & @lyfewithmarciav

When selling on Instagram, the link in the bio is the most important part of your profile. So, as with everything else on your profile, it must look good.

It should not be too long and unreadable.

Unreadable link in bio

It should not point to an unrelated shady website.

Wierd link in bio

In my opinion, your URL must have your business name in it. That way, the customers will doubt it less.

Using personal website in link in bio

My go-to option is a Link In Bio Tool. The best tools on the market allow you to customize your link to make it more professional. I always recommend making it match your username.

Using Link In Bio tool in link in bio

The main purpose of such tools is to collect all your important links in one place. In my experience, small businesses have to use different messaging apps to get orders from various customers.

And creating a single page with all the options to reach you makes both business owners’ and customers’ lives much easier.

Believe me, nothing sells better on social media than a combination of a good link and a strong call to action.

Define Your Business Category — @polishedwigs & @akandco_

Starting with this field, you have to have a Business Instagram account. I highly recommend switching your account to Business to every small business owner out there.

Using a Business account, you can define your business niche right in your bio.

A list of Instagram Business Categories

That way, your customers will instantly see what service your small business provides.

Business Category in Instagram bio
Business Category in Instagram bio

Set Up Action Buttons — @birdhism

Action buttons allow you to transform your bio into a personal app. Use it to create a great user experience for your customers.

I recommend creating a Contact button and a button for the Shop with all your products.

Instagram Action Buttons

Create Story Highlights — @remorofurniture & @creationsxceleste

Story Highlights are the most versatile part of your Instagram bio. You can use it however you want.

Some small businesses use it to showcase all their products.

Using Story Highlights as a list of products

Some build powerful navigation for their customers.

Using Story Highlights as navigation

Honestly, as long as you use it to make your customers’ life easier, you can’t do wrong!

I hope these Instagram bios will inspire you and make your small business more successful on social media!

3 Extra Tips to Perfect Instagram Bio on Social media

After we finished with the big boys of Instagram bio, I want to give you some additional bio ideas because there’s always a place for improvement.

  1. Use the location field. If your small business is local, I recommend filling in the location field in your bio. It’ll make it much easier for customers to find your place offline.
  2. Experiment with fonts. To make your description stand out, you can always try to use an original font. To do so, you have to use third-party tools like Fontfull or Texty. But don’t go too crazy, some older phones might not display rare fonts.
  3. Show hashtags. You can also add some hashtags to your bio. It could be your brand hashtags or the local ones. Don’t spam, though. I think 2–3 is enough.

Wrapping Up

If you want to create a perfect Instagram bio for your small business, you should focus on:

  1. Username / Name. Make sure your username matches your brand name. If your brand name is taken, try to come up with an alternative that still starts with your brand name. Consider using a related keyword in your Name to widen your reach.
  2. Profile picture. If you have a professional logo, use it as your profile picture. Make sure to use the same one on all your social media platforms. If you don’t have a logo yet, consider using a good picture of one of your best-sellers.
  3. Description. Always make your description short, easy to read, and well-structured. Don’t neglect using emojis to grab users’ attention. Always finish your description with a call to action.
  4. Link. Never try to make your customers click on a fishy-looking website. Use your personal website or a Link In Bio tool that allows you to make a custom URL.
  5. Business category. Define your business category in your bio to tell your customers what your brand provides.
  6. Action Buttons. Set up action buttons to create a great user experience for your customers.
  7. Story Highlights. Use highlights to share the list of your products or make easy-to-use navigation.

Also, consider using small tips like:

  • Using a location tag for your local business.
  • Experiment with fonts in your bio description.
  • Showing personal or local hashtags in your bio.

Are you a business owner? Share your business social media accounts in the replies!



Dmitry Moro

Hey! 👋 I help business owners build successful brands by mastering digital marketing. Have any questions? Contact me: