How to add an Etsy link to your Instagram bio

A quick guide on how to unite two platforms for your profit.

Dmitry Moro
4 min readAug 25, 2022
Etsy store in a browser

So, on the one hand, you have your awesome Etsy shop. On another, you have your amazing Instagram profile. But how do you make them work together?

In this article, I’ll answer one of the most common questions I get from my clients: “How can I share my Etsy shop link with my Instagram followers?

But you know me, I won’t only tell you how to do it. I will also discuss mistakes and problems to avoid and recommend a trick to leave all the competitors behind.

How to get Etsy shop link

To share the link, you need to find it first. Here’s one way to do it:

1. Open your shop page using the Etsy app and tap the share icon at the top right

Share Etsy Store

2. Tap “Copy To Clipboard”

Copy Etsy link to the clipboard

3. And when you see the “Copied to clipboard” message, that’s it!

Link is copied to the clipboard

You’ve got your Etsy shop link. Now let’s share it with your future customers.

How to link Etsy to Instagram

Adding a link to your Instagram bio is easy, just follow these steps:

1. Go to your Instagram profile and tap “Edit profile”

Edit Profile button on Instagram

2. Paste the Etsy link into the “Website” field.

“Website” field in the Instagram bio

3. Confirm the changes by tapping the button at the top right.

Saving Instagram bio changes

And here you have it!

Etsy link in the Instagram bio

Common mistakes when adding a link

Even though adding a link in the bio is easy, many people constantly make mistakes that kill all their sales. For example:

1. Never put a link in the “Bio” field. If you put your link in “Bio”, it’ll be plain text. No one will notice it and even fewer people click on it.

Not clickable link in the Bio filed
Clickable link in Website field

2. Remove the “www.” part of the link. The link will look much better without it.

Unprofessional link with “www”

3. Don’t add too many hashtags to your bio. Your link should be always noticeable!

Too many hashtags in the bio

Without making these mistakes, you’ll have a clickable link that can transform your followers into customers. But will it?

The crucial problem with Instagram bio link

Did you click on your Etsy link after you added it to the bio? Try it. Here’s what you’ll get:

Etsy opened in Instagram browser

Do you see the problem?

It opens in a browser and you are not logged in. You understand why it’s terrible, right?

Just imagine your follower’s experience:

They click on the link, thinking, “I’m gonna buy that awesome product”.

They see that they have to log in.

They start thinking, “I have to log in to buy? I’ve been using the official app for so long, I don’t even remember my password anymore!”.

They close the browser and buy something from your competitor instead.

That’s today’s reality. If you create even the slightest inconvenience for a customer, you lose them.

So, your job as a seller is to make your customer’s life as easy as possible.

To solve that problem, you need to create a Link In Bio page and put your Etsy link there. But make sure that the Link In Bio Tool you’re using has deep links!

If a user clicks on a deep link the page will be opened in the official app. So the user will be logged in and ready to buy right away. And that is exactly what we want.



Dmitry Moro

Hey! 👋 I help business owners build successful brands by mastering digital marketing. Have any questions? Contact me: