4-in-1 Integrated Marketplace: Tokens, Team, Technics and Management

4 min readJul 6, 2018


Are you looking for a job to do? Or do you have an idea for an IT start-up, but don’t have a Team? Maybe you want to showcase your Project and sell some tokens? Dogezer has a one-stop solution for all the problems!

It doesn’t matter whether you a Project Owner or an Individual Contributor/Backer. The main problems and concerns that you most likely have are:

  • Time is money, so you need to acquire the best resources in a short amount of time.
  • You may need a wider variety of projects to join (i.e. jobs to do), employees to hire or specific services to choose from.
  • Being able to fulfill the right needs that can supply better work traction for your end result (which is “Success”).

Dogezer utilizes the “Marketplace Philosophy” when providing the solution(s) to connect users on the platform. Actually, Dogezer can even be described as “one huge marketplace” for software development, which can be divided into 4 main elements:

  1. Project Marketplace — a place for an Owner to display his project and for Contributors/Backers to look into and consider these projects (like Kickstarter)
  2. Vacancy Marketplace — where Individual Contributors can search for a Vacancy, which is basically an opportunity to work for a project in any selected/qualified position (like “Find a Job” at Upwork)
  3. Solution Marketplace — where Individual Contributors propose their Solutions (such as a Service that solves a one-time Issue)
  4. Talent Marketplace — a place for an Individual Contributor to display their abilities and where a Project Owner can put together a team (such as a Team of Developers, Marketers and other people working on the Project, via Dogezer), similar to Upwork

Every Marketplace has a list of filters that help to navigate through numerous proposals. So, each one has key features that help you find the best Project or Solution specifically for your needs. Let’s look into every Marketplace one-by-one.

Project Marketplace allows every Contributor/Backer to search for Projects. For example, a person looking to purchase the tokens will be interested in the financial planning of a project and its potential value and revenue. On the other side of the coin, an Individual Contributor looks for projects where his qualifications will be valued and well-paid. All these characteristics will help a person find (or to finance) a potentially lucrative project.

Vacancy Marketplace is basically a place where a Contributor sees a vacancy from the projects on one of the listed projects. These Jobs are posted by a project owner according to the project’s type. For example, an Individual Contributor may be looking for a specific job. Let’s say a UI developer in a horror video game. On the Dogezer platform, you’ll find many applicable skill-related filters as well as payment options and engagement times.

Solution Marketplace is designed for Project Owners who seek a ready-to-implement Solution for a one-time Issue. Therefore, a Contributor who specializes in a related job skill can display their portfolio. Then it’s showcased on the Marketplace. For example, this is a great place to search for a Smartcontract audit.

Talent Marketplace is mainly for Project Owners who search for Team members to solve their project completion Issues. The main difference of this Marketplace is that it will show only those Users who are currently looking for a job. That means that in the Profile Settings, every User has to choose their position on Dogezer, e.g. “Project Owner”, “Individual Contributor” or both. This will also divide the UI to suit your unique needs. While filling the Profile out, you will also need to include your; portfolio, skills, availability and other valuable information about you that will help connect you with the right project and the right vacancy. So, when searching for a Team Member you do not have to visit every profile but, rather, you’ll see every bit of pertinent information in the list.

Overall, this is an easy step-by-step representation of how it all will be looking:

  1. A Project Owner creates their Project.
  2. They have a template of possible Team members, Jobs to do (which are represented in the Vacancy Marketplace), Issues to solve (which are referenced in the Marketplace) and so on.
  3. From the Vacancy he is transferred to the Skills Marketplace with the specific filters for the desired, exact Vacancy qualifications.
  4. When reviewing the Issue, the Owner jumps to the Solution Marketplace once again with the correct filters selected (e.g. from a “Write a White Paper” Project, they see those Contributors who specialize in White Paper solutions).
  5. At the same time their Project is added to the Project Marketplace where it can be viewed by other users and 3rd parties.

If you want to see some specific filters or new features for our Marketplace, please share your ideas via community@dogezer.com. As always, we’re happy to answer any of your questions.

