Dogezer — Do Software Together

5 min readAug 24, 2017

Introductionary post

The Power of Software

In our modern world, software is everywhere. Software rings the bell in your cell phone to wake you up, software helps you navigate the quickest, traffic-free route to work, software allows you to efficiently run your business, software helps you relax while playing Xbox or watching Netflix. We have all become dependent on software, whether we realize it or not. From your refrigerator to a space station, from websites to semi-autonomous cars, from a cell phone to the stock exchange — software is everywhere.

Marc Andreessen once said, “Software is eating the world.” Six years later, nearly every person and industry in the world depends on software. The companies who build all kinds of software are flourishing. Their stock prices are bullish, their offices are beautiful, and often their cash reserve is enough to buy a small country. The owners of these companies and venture capitalists who were brave enough to believe in these companies are on the Forbes-500 list, and hundreds of thousands of individuals working in these companies enjoy a well-paid job.

But the software market isn’t always an easy shoe in. Things are changing too quickly, and competition is huge. The need to constantly innovate forces companies to continually change and modify their products. Some companies eventually fall behind in the innovation race, especially if software isn’t the company’s only focus. This is where small, innovative startups find the opportunity to start their adventure on the road toward becoming a multimillion dollar company.

Such innovative startups experience a lot of challenges along the way through. It is hard to come up with a good idea, but the truth is this is probably the easiest part of building a real business. The challenges set in with financing the startup, finding a good and reliable team, packaging and presenting the product, and at the same time, remaining competitive. All of this pressure often causes a lot of startups to fail before they ever get their feet off the ground.

We at Dogezer would like to change all that. We want to reshape the startup industry and change the way innovative software is being created. We believe, despite huge growth, there are still inefficiencies in the market which need to be solved such as:

  • Getting financing which requires a significant amount of effort and often comes with a number of limitations.
  • Problems of interest alignment between team members which can affect their motivation.
  • Disproportionate gains — venture capitalists are the ones who enjoy the largest gains if a startup is successful, while the contributions of technical specialists who did the hard work to reach a solution are sometimes undervalued.

The Dogezer Platform strives to solve these problems and much more with our innovative product that offers everything a startup needs to realize success, for the long term.

So, What Is Dogezer Platform?

Dogezer is a solution which will revolutionize the software development industry by changing not only the way software is created, but also how it is promoted and sold. The goal of Dogezer is to make the execution of a product’s complete lifecycle possible in virtual space, where developers, designers, marketers and others located around the world can come together as a team and use a single platform to connect. We want to ensure that building such a distributed team is straightforward and easy, as well as meritocracy based, where the biggest rewards are given to those who play a vital role in the project’s success. We implement our solution with the idea that team relations should be fair and predictable, with everyone sharing a common interest in completing the project.

We suggest startups just skip the capital-raising step. With the exception of raising funds to pay your team members, why not raise capital through the work that will naturally come from your team? Such an approach not only saves startup owners lots of efforts, it also aligns the interests of everyone on a team, giving them a unifying goal. This strategy works — we already know many teams and startups whose members are within close proximity of each other that have agreed to work toward a product goal and have benefited from this approach on many levels. At Dogezer we would like to make this possible for distributed teams as well, and we have built some serious infrastructure for that to happen.

The Dogezer Platform will provide all the tools needed to run a virtual software development company. It will provide companies with:

  • Access to a talent marketplace
  • Tools to organize teams and manage different kinds of permissions
  • A powerful on-the-cloud file system to store company project artefacts
  • Tools to manage source code
  • An all-encompassing tracker for issues and tasks
  • Tools to author, review and comment on documents
  • Communication tools, similar to the ones provided by the Slack
  • And, most importantly, the financial system to power your project every step of the way

If you have an idea for a startup, you can join Dogezer platform, create the project, find a few talented members of the platform who believe in your vision and start working together. Eventually, as the project will gain traction, more and more people will join, working together with you to have your dream to become true!

Please stay tuned, we are going to provide more details on the platform, how it works, the key features and problems solved in upcoming posts.

Dogezer preITO is going to start September 1st, 2017, at 13:00 UTC. Please visit , check out our whitepaper and subscribe to our mail list to stay updated.

The Dogezer team is happy to answer any questions:

