Dogezer Platform

5 min readAug 25, 2017

Do Software Together

Elevator pitch

Dogezer is a software development platform that allows team members to become product investors by investing their time and labor.

Solution Explained

The Dogezer Platform is a SaaS solution which combines the functionality of Kickstarter, UpWork, GitHub, Slack, Jira, Google Docs, Dropbox and ICO analogues with a set of defined processes how these solutions relate to each other in a clear, transparent and predictable way.

Dogezer will give an opportunity to start a project in a matter of minutes; organize a set of teams who will be working on the project; define how project contributions will be rewarded, and then drive the project to completion by utilizing skills of independent contributors all around the world.

The key goal of the Dogezer solution is to eliminate investors as the “middlemen” between people initiating the product and people working on the product for the benefit of both groups. Dogezer will provide an infrastructure that will guarantee fair and predictable behavior of each party involved, and will remove any doubts from both project owners and individual contributors regarding each other’s fairness. Dogezer will implement a set of tools used in software development and connect them with a fully traceable and predictable financial system. This financial system will operate with multiple possible payment mediums — starting from legal tender, through crypto currencies, company shares, and up to project success derived instruments — like promises of payment when project revenue will exceed a certain number.

With the help of such derived instruments, the project owner will be able to start and complete a project without getting a real financial investment from a third party, saving on the effort to get such investment and removing the limitations it brings. It may be enough for the project owner to declare his project goals, define how the revenue will flow in, define the project vision and then immediately have a budget in project specific currency in his possession. Such a budget could then be used to start inviting team members and share that budget with them, with the promise that in the event of successful completion, the budget will convert to real financial compensation and will reward everyone for risks taken. Individual contributors will be taking a bit more risk than they are used to while working in a “salaried” environment, but that risk will be paid back with significantly higher rewards than they are used to as well when the project is complete.

Dogezer will be stimulating a concept of iterative investment, where investment, in the form of people’s efforts for the project, happens on iterative basis through small individual chunks of work. This will allow a significant reduction of risk for each party involved, and will make the “cost of investment” dependent on how much the project has progressed so far — higher for initial stages, lower when the project is close to “break even”.

Dogezer will build an infrastructure where conflicts between team members or between a team member and the project owner are minimized or at least predicted in advance. In the event of such conflict, Dogezer will be utilizing wisdom of the crowd to resolve it. Active project members can participate in voting on a conflicting issue, and as the interests of everyone on the team are actually the same (to have the project done and have their rewards paid), a solution which is most beneficial for successful completion of the project will win.

Dogezer will implement most of the key tools used in software development as integrated pieces of its solution. Over time, the number of services offered by Dogezer to the teams will grow, eventually resulting in a complete set of tools that are required to run a top-notch software development company. As a result, the Dogezer solution will become a single service, one-stop-shop that companies who operate in a traditional environment can use to replace the fragmented landscape they have now. For example: right now, a team of 15 developers can easily spend $500-$1000 per month for GitHub, Jira, Confluence, Slack, Dropbox and other services and need to have some engineering effort to ensure these things work well together. At Dogezer, these companies will get a frictionless all-in-one solution for a much lower price.

Proof of Concept

Pieces of the concept behind Dogezer are already proven by the market:

  • Open Source software proves that a number of geographically distributed individual contributors are able to create functional and complete software products widely adopted by the industry. This happens even without monetary compensation — and with the possibility to receive a financial reward, the number of participants and their commitment should grow.
  • Bounty campaigns for ICOs prove that multiple people are very anxious to work on promoting a product, even when they will receive a reward that is only potentially convertible to real financial reward.
  • ICO themselves prove that people are ready to invest their money in the products they believe in. There is a much wider audience that will be happy to invest their time into a product of their liking.

In a next post we are going to talk about how Dogezer solution will change the ICO market, follow us to find out more.

Dogezer preITO is going to start September 1st, 2017, at 13:00 UTC. Please visit , checkout our whitepaper and subscribe to our mail list to stay updated.

The Dogezer team is happy to answer any questions:

