Dogezer Alpha is Released!

2 min readDec 5, 2017


Dear Readers,

We are very proud and happy to announce that the first public alpha version of Dogezer platform have been released and available for public access at

We already started to get some feedback from first users and invite you to try the platform yourself to see how it would change the way people collaborate together!

Our Alpha version already contains all of the the key features needed to run a virtual company where people collaborate together for a share in a future success, but we will continue to add more features in upcoming months, and we are open to hear your suggestions on things you feel we need to add! Feel free to drop us an email at with your ideas.

A few screenshots

In a few weeks from now, we would enable the possibility to deploy “project tokens” on Ethereum blockchain, which will allow each one of you to generate your own ERC20 tokens with a few clicks of a mouse, and will give you a possibility to start your own ICO using Dogezer platform without much of a friction. You will be able to hire your team, generate your own tokens, deploy smartcontract, create marketing page, execute bounty program, establish advisory board and much more — all in one place and without excessive fees!

We also would like to announce that we have launched the second part of our bounty campaign. Please check out to find out more on conditions and rewards available.

Feel free to join and help us to spread the word about our vision and our solution!

As always, Dogezer team is happy to answer any questions and interested to hear any suggestions! You can reach us at:

Forever yours,
Dogezer Team

