Dogezer Status Report — Middle of April 2018

4 min readApr 15, 2018


Dear Readers, please find an update from Dogezer team on latest achievements, developments and our future plans. We are going to present this kind of report twice a month, and looking for the feedback from your end on what are the additional topics you feel we need to cover. Contact us via with your ideas and recommendations!

1. Tokenomics

Our ITO has finished on March 8th, and during the course of March/Early April Dogezer Team have been taking care of distributing Bounty tokens to our Bounty participants (Done), paying Referral Campaign bonuses (Done) and burning of unsold DGZ tokens (Done). The current stats on DGZ token:

  • Sold on ICO: 3 556 321 DGZ Tokens
  • Bounty Share: 54 433,5 DGZ Tokens
  • Founders Share (Frozen): 18 144,5 DGZ Tokens
  • Total Supply: 3 628 899 DGZ Tokens

As of today, DGZ token is listed on the following exchanges:

ForkDelta is the exchange which is having the largest volume so far. We are going to increase the number of exchanges where we are listed when the market situation becomes more stable and when the trading volume on the current exchanges would increase (Which we expect to happen together with the grow of Dogezer platform user base)

2. Partners, Customers and Platform statistics:

Platform Stats, April 15th, 2018:

  • Customers in negotiations/on-boarding to run their business/perform their ICO with the help of the platform: 12
  • Total Registered users on the platform: 586
  • Total Projects started on the platform (‘Test’ projects included): 150
  • Active Partnerships: Agrello, KYC.Legal, Rivetz, StopTheFakes
  • Additional Partnership negotiations: 7

3. Product Updates

Platform development and improvement is the most important thing which we are working on these days, and we continue to add new features and fix bugs noticed by our early users. We are going to gradually improve our Alpha version in upcoming months, eventually targeting to release fully functional Beta version in July 2018.

The key areas of focus for the development team during last month:

  • Solution stability and uptime (100+ bugs are fixed, “Dockerization” of the key components)
  • Automated deployment of token and smartcontracts, including smartcontracts to start ICOs with the help of the platform.
  • User profile/Marketplace improvements for better matching of users to projects.
  • Support of the DGZ to Primary Licence conversion
  • Admin interface and customer support functionality to allow our support team to better handle customer requests and communicate with users directly on the platform.
  • Preparation steps to launch Dogezer@Dogezer to allow the community to help us to grow the solution.

*Note that the official release notes with the list of all features/bugs will be published along with the release of the latest version on the production server (expected to happen in early May 2018)

A significant part of the effort was also concentrated around building an effective software development and release process, with the goal of having stable and regular software releases. The implementation of this process is still in progress, so we are a bit careful with production servers updates, executing them manually in on-demand mode. We are targeting to streamline this and have a release into production every two weeks starting at the end of May.

4. Team updates

We continue to expand our team to better match the challenges laying ahead. Please welcome new team members:

  • Sergey Rumyantcev joins the team as the head of Business Development
  • Elena Orlova joins the team as a Backend Developer
  • Sergey Razhivin joins the team as a FrontEnd Developer

We expanded our office space to accommodate these new team members and get more space for members which we are still looking to hire. Our most immediate need is a Test Lead, so if you know anyone in Nizhny Novgorod who is ready to jump in and lead the platform testing efforts — let us know. We do prefer to hire in office these days, but eventually we will be moving towards more distributed team fully managed through the platform.

5. Plans for the Next Month:

The team focus in an upcoming month would be around following three areas:

  • Establishing an effective support process for the customers to ensure that we can help potential users with any questions they have on how to achieve their goals with the help of the platform.
  • Redoing the way how project economy is being set up, providing more granular, and at the same time, a more straightforward approach for users to define what their token is and how it could be used for collaborative development of their project.
  • Preparing and launching first pieces of Dogezer@Dogezer approach, which should allow us to involve the community into creating the solution which really satisfies the needs of this community.

6. Special offer for early adopters

To increase platform adoption and to ensure that features we develop are inline with expectations of our users, we would like to offer a bit of help to our first users by assigning a personal business development manager from our end for everyone who wants to utilize Dogezer to run his business.

Personal Business Development manager will help you with business plan creation/review, will advice you on a way to setup your project tokenomics, will ensure that migration to Dogezer platform is straightforward and generally will be helping you to attract attention from potential contributors and investors.

If you feel interested in this offer, please mail us at and we will get in touch with you ASAP.

A lot of new things are coming, so stay tuned! As always, happy to answer any of your questions:

