Dogezer’s news and updates

3 min readOct 14, 2017


Second week of October, 2017

Dear readers,
Let us present our weekly report with details on our progress and key achievements during last week.

1) preITO Finalization
It took a while to close each and every deal, but finally this is done. Total of 206990.57 preDGZ tokens have been sold and delivered to purchasers. Dollar value of the preITO, taking into account discounts for large participants, is around $130K.
We appreciate your support and interest in Dogezer platform and our preITO!

2) Prototype
The most important thing we are working on right now is a preparation of our Prototype for open test, scheduled for the middle of November, 2017. We are working hard to ensure that software is stable and able to handle increase in a number of users. Some improvements are also done in a core functionality of the product — we are building new document editor based on CKEditor, and we improve our messaging component to differentiate important messages vs regular ones. We also trying to improve platform security and doing some UI modifications.

3) Planning
Team holds multiple meetings and brainstorms, often involving external consultants, and is working on a number of documents outlining steps and actions we are going to take in upcoming months. We have created:

  • Detailed marketing plan which takes into account data on marketing channels effectiveness we have gathered during preITO;
  • A set of documents for potential partners capturing conditions to participate in our advisory board, sales team and ambassadors team
  • Drafted new, more effective, approach for bounty campaign;
  • Defined roles and responsibilities for new roles inside the team;
  • Started to draft requirements for token purchaser portal;
  • Decided on the way how our referral campaign would be executed;
  • And much much more.

4) Team expansion
We started to grow our team, both locally and globally. The org chart below captures the way how we see our team in a couple of months from now:

Some of the persons who have recently joined us:

  • Alexei Gudkov, PhD candidate, Autonomous University of Barcelona, joined us in a role of a Legal Adviser.
  • Mike Sorokin, the seasoned Project Manager, is a new member (but old supporter) of a core team who will be helping in managing platform development.
  • Daniel Savinov, joined the team as a Community Manager concentrating on Dogezer exposure to the world.
  • Elizabeth Lebedeva, joined the team as a Community Manager who will take care of communications in social networks

We are currently onboarding a few more guys locally, and expect community management team to grow to 7 people by the end of the next week.

Also, we are in negotiations with around 20–30 cryptocurrency experts around the world to join our Advisory board/Ambassadors team, so we expect these teams to experience high growth during next couple of weeks.

Stay tuned for more news and updates!

Dogezer is happy to answer any questions and interested to hear any suggestions! You can reach us at:

