How to convert your preDGZ to DGZ using MyEtherWallet

4 min readFeb 15, 2018

Dear Friends,

Here is a guide for those, who have purchased preDGZ tokens during our preITO. With the start of Public Sale you will be able to exchange preDGZ for DGZ Tokens.

There are 2 methods you can convert preDGZ to DGZ:

  • The 1st method is easier, but requires manual confirmations for DGZ Tokens transfer from Dogezer Team, therefore it will take some time before you receive your DGZ Tokens.
  • The 2nd method is a bit more complicated, but it is fully automatic (it does not include any actions from Dogezer Team). This method is recommended to use by Dogezer Team.

1st method. Manual token transfer

  1. Navigate to
  2. Unlock your wallet with the method you like
  3. Fill in the fields:
    To Address: 0x16885883e2785C56D279636b45fB85d8F9B0db23
    — Choose “preDGZ” in the “Amount to Send” field
    Amount to Send: the amount of preDGZ you would like to exchange for DGZ
    Gas Limit: Set it to minimum of 100 000. (Smaller amounts of gas may result in transaction failure)
Sending preDGZ to Dogezer’s smartcontract

4. Send us an email to
The email should contain: 1) your ETH address, from which you have sent preDGZ in the previous step and 2) the amount of preDGZ you have sent.

5. We will process your request shortly and will send DGZ Tokens back to the wallet from which preDGZ were sent. We will never be sending to a different wallet.

You will receive an email from to your email, with a confirmation. You will be able to see DGZ in your list of Tokens.

2nd method. Automatic token transfer

  1. Navigate to
  2. Fill in the fields:
    Contract Address: 0x18aa6e402a0aa22b7f61a5ace68fddc629fe44ec
    ABI / JSON Interface:
    Copy RAW Paste Data from this link:
  3. Press “Access”
Contract Address and ABI / JSON Interface

4. Select “balanceOf” function

5. In the field “_owner address” fill in your ETH address, where your preDGZ are. Press “READ” button. This will show your current “balance” in correct formatting. Copy that number, you will need it later.

“balanceOf” function, owner address and preDGZ balance

6. Select “approve” function.
Fill in “_spender address” : 0x16885883e2785C56D279636b45fB85d8F9B0db23
“_value”: paste the number of tokens you have copied before (your “balance”)

7. “How would you like to access your wallet?”: unlock your wallet with the method you like and press “WRITE”. That way, you have allowed your preDGZ Tokens to be exchanged for DGZ Tokens.

“approve” function

8. Navigate to once again

9. Fill in the fields:
Contract Address: 0x16885883e2785C56D279636b45fB85d8F9B0db23
(!! Note that this one is different from the 1st one !!)
ABI / JSON Interface:
Copy RAW Paste Data from this link:

10. Press “Access” and choose function “exchangePreDGZTokens”

“exchangePreDGZTokens” function

11. “How would you like to access your wallet?”: unlock your wallet with the method you like and press “WRITE”.

12. After that you will have to run the transaction.

After that your preDGZ Tokens will be exchanged for DGZ* and you will be able to see DGZ in your list of Tokens.

*Based on the previously set rate of 1 ETH = 1600 USD and the formula in Dogezer’s Whitepaper: 1 preDGZ = 9.14285714 DGZ

Thank you for reading through that guide. We hope you didn’t have any problems, but if you have, make sure to contact us through our telegram or directly at, we are always happy to help!

❤ Dogezer Team

Stay tuned for more updates and feel free to find us at:

