Project Type “ICO” supported in Dogezer Beta

4 min readJun 19, 2018


Considering all the recent hype around crypto start-ups, everyone wants to raise money via an ICO. And, if you are reading this, you must be interested in starting your own, as well.

Dogezer platform allows you to start your own ICO and gives you a number of tools to make your success possible. The platform was developed while keeping our own experience and numerous other ICOs in mind. So, the process has proven to be tremendously effective.

Dogezer’s professional team will help you with the idea formalization, token implementation and many other vital steps. Plus, it’s very easy to create all the necessary documents, including writing a WhitePaper, on the platform using its features.

So, here are 6 main features that you receive when you start an ICO on Dogezer:

1. Third party relations

Obviously, you can’t run the whole ICO on your own (unless your name is Superman), so you’ll need different types of specialists on your Team. On the platform, you have the advantage of finding them and collaborating with them using the Marketplace. Once you have your Team finalized, you’ll find the task and overall ICO management very simple, yet efficient.

2. Web-site

The next important step is web-site creation. Dogezer not only provides you with the tools to create and manage the web-site, but also protects it from the hackers, DDoS attacks (they will become quite numerous once your ICO is popular and successful). With the help of our platform, your web-site is going to be:

  • Secure
  • Customizable
  • Reliable
  • Fast
  • Informative
  • Automated
  • Modern

3. Smart-contract

Every ICO needs its tokens; otherwise, there is nothing to sell to the investors, right? On the platform you can create the smart-contract. It is based on the code, which is audited by the top-class experts and have it deployed automatically. This process is completely safe and flexible. Plus, it’s very cost-effective compared to doing the same without Dogezer (where you’ll have to pay for the smart-contract development and audit and be worried about security breaches).

4. Promotion campaigns

There is no productive ICO without promotion, which includes:

  • Media promotions
  • Social Network promotions
  • Referral campaign
  • Bounty campaign
  • Airdrop
  • and hundreds of other methods

These features can be completed just using Dogezer or with the help of its partners. It doesn’t matter what options you choose. You can take advantage of it all or just choose a specific one, Dogezer helps you organize, implement and finalize them. This servies will make your customers pleased with the resulting quick and accurate token distribution.

5. Token Purchaser Management

Dogezer helps you carry out the KYC procedure and manage other Token Purchaser relations. This includes e-mail campaign, corresponding analytics, verifying the documents and all the other available features.

6. Product Prototype

Last, but not least, is a creation of a product prototype and its further development. A prototype gives you a huge advantage on the ICO stage and makes your company stand out among others that are limited through their uninteresting ideas and no available product. Since the platform has a crowdsource feature, it’ll be very easy to find developers who are eager to work in your Development Team for the sake of future revenue.

7. Innovative ICO Schemes

Dogezer provides a couple of quite innovative methods to organize an ICO — which are DAICO or DII (see more here and here). This provides fairer and more predictable behaviour of your Team, as well as solves the key challenges of organizing an ICO without any funds. Dogezer also has an ability to pay to your Vendors and Team Members from the future funds collected on the ICO. And the promises of such revenue are captured inside the smart-contract making the whole procedure secure.

For example, you say that you will raise $1M, $20K of which you’ll spend on the PR for the China market. This promise is secured within the smart-contract and the PR company will be confident with the payment while doing their job.

Congratulations! You’ve done a good job and your ICO provided you with the resources needed to go forth and make the world a better place. Just keep on using Dogezer in order to develop your prototype into a world-renowned entity, while having the money recieved through the ICO work for you and your company in a best way.

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