Day 263: My very first day — Basel, Switzerland

2 min readNov 18, 2023


My very first day traveling. I wrote about it, or at least tried. I didn’t know how long I would be gone, where I was gonna go, how I would travel, if money was gonna be a problem…

I had no idea that almost 10 years later, I would get back on this page, look at the picture of the two friends with whom I traveled to Basel, read through the few sentences written in black ink and think… “oh my God, that’s bad!” No content, no story, nothing. But, everything has a start and an end so here is the start. It was the 14th of September 2014, I had just turned 27, I had been living for a year in Australia and another one in Burkina Faso and yet had the world to discover.


Porrentruy — Basel — Strasbourg (FR)

Breakfast in the garden with family and friends.

Tears… from fatigue, stress, questions.

Basel with two friends. Decompression, rest, waiting.

One of them stays with me. We wait for my carpool.

Departure at 6:00 pm, we pick up Bélinda again at Hézingue.

Lucas picks me up in front of the cathedral in Strasbourg at 8pm. He’s the boyfriend of the friend I’m staying with for a few days.

Beer (no S), conversation, sightseeing. We eat at his place. I wait for my friend in her apartment.

Idea: postcard to myself from each city/place visited.

Strasbourg, city of bells.”


Porrentruy — Bâle — Strasbourg (FR)

Petit dèj dans le jardin avec ma famille et des amis.

Larmes… de fatigue, de stress, de questions.

Bâle avec deux amies. Décompression, repos, attente.

L’une d’elle reste avec moi. On attend mon co-voiturage.

Départ à 18h00, on prend encore Bélinda à Hézingue.

Lucas vient me chercher devant la cathédrale, à 20h00, à Strasbourg. C’est le copain de l’amie chez qui je squatte pour quelques jours.

Bière (sans S), discussion, visite. On mange chez lui. J’attends mon amie dans son appartement.

Idée: carte postale à moi-même de chaque ville/lieu visité.

Strasbourg, ville de cloches.”

New to my blog? Read this article to learn what this 365 days challenge is all about!

