Being attack by bees

Day 280: Bee attack — Marmara’s sea, Turquie

Who never dreamt of becoming a famous actor/actress? Well, I have been one. It was not on tape, nobody will ever watch this small scene I made but I can tell you: I was an actress to my bones.

4 min readDec 5, 2023

‘When?’ You shall ask. When I got stung by more than 20 bees.

‘Why do you think you were an actress?’ You shall ask. Because of the numerous movies I saw where you have an imbecile not listening to the locals and going anyway wherever he/she wants to go, finishing by running in high heel shoes on a non-paved road being pursued by a bear. You know what scenes I’m talking about? Yeah? Well, I was the imbecile on a non-paved road being pursued, not by a bear, but hundreds of very angry bees as they just had been harvested… And as in a movie, I had the most convincing panic attack ever recorded on tape. So realistic it was actually true. I literally started to hit myself with quite a big stick of wood because of these bees. The stick was meant to scare off dogs, it was NOT a little one.

Well, two things are sure: it was an adventure and I will remember this day until the end of my life.

Minutes before the attack…



A lot of garbage takes away some of the boundless beauty of this place. I keep walking at a good pace. First hives: I pass without stress, my friends the bees won’t hurt me.

For the first few minutes on this road, I prayed I wouldn’t run into any wild dogs.

I keep going, wondering if there will be many hives… Every 100 meters or so they spread out along the road for 20–30 meters. It’s starting to get pretty bad. They’re getting pretty aggressive. So I run like hell as soon as I come across them. They get caught in my scarf, and I’m flailing my arms. At one point, I see them stretching out for 50 meters.

I re-adjust my backpack, catch my breath and run as fast as I can. A mini-bus is stopped on the road, two guys inside, at the last hive. I run past shouting “Merhaba!” They must think I’m crazy. I run, fiddling with my stick, throwing it in all directions, my glasses flying, I scream, I grind at the top of my lungs, I feel them everywhere, I run.

They’re caught in my sweater, my scarf, I feel one in my bra. I panic, I run. I shake off my clothes, try to put my scarf back on, I hear buzzing. I’m frightened. They chase me for 100 meters, grabbing at my hair. I hit myself on the head with my stick to get them off.

When I’m sure I don’t have any more on me or in my clothes, I put on my sweater, scarf around my head, hood and sunglasses on top: not a millimeter of skin sticks out except for my hands. I think they’ve stung me more than ten times.”



De nombreux déchets enlèvent un peu de la beauté sans borne de cet endroit. Je continue d’avancer d’un bon rythme. Premières ruches: je passe sans stresser, mes amies les abeilles ne me font pas de mal.

Les premières minutes sur cette route, j’ai prié pour ne pas faire de rencontre avec des chiens sauvages.

Je continue, me demandant si il y aura beaucoup de ruches… Tous les 100 mètres environ elles s’étalent le long de la route sur 20–30 mètres. Ca commence à se passer assez mal. Elles commencent à être pas mal agressives. Alors je cours comme une dératée dès que j’en croise. Elles se prennent dans mon écharpe, je mouline des bras. A un moment donné, je les vois s’étendant sur 50 mètres.

Je réajuste mon sac à dos, prends mon souffle et cours aussi vite que possible. Un mini-bus est arrêté, deux mecs à l’intérieur, à la dernière ruche. Je passe en criant “Merhaba!” Ils doivent me prendre pour une folle. Je cours, manipule mon bâton le jetant dans tous les sens, mes lunettes volent, j’hurle, je mouline à plein poumons, je les sens partout, je cours.

Elles sont prises dans mon pull, mon écharpe, j’en sens une dans mon soutif. Je panique, je cours. Je secoue mes habits, tente de remettre mon écharpe, j’entends bourdonner. Je suis effrayée. Elles me poursuivent sur 100 mètres, s’agrippant dans mes cheveux. Je me frappe la tête avec mon bâton pour les enlever, je suis déchaînée.

Quand je suis sûre de ne plus en avoir sur moi, ni dans mes habits, je mets mon pull, mon écharpe autour de la tête, le capuchon et les lunettes de soleil par dessus: pas un millimètre de peau ne dépasse si ce n’est mes mains. Je pense qu’elles m’ont piqué une bonne dizaine de fois.”

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