In pursuit of an unsung immunity!

6 min readJan 1, 2024


As the new year is here, chances are high that you bang your head on some resolutions! Fortunately, I did curate one for you, now your probability of meeting unrealistic resolutions drops by a one percent. Like I’ve always mentioned, for all of us health or our idea about health has revolved around some education about diseases or a state of being illness free, let it be! I’m not here to give you empty advices but ask you to listen to your body and give it what it demands.

If you are a person who feels misinformed about health, this might be a something like a guidance from ayurveda!

I’m a professional degree holder in ayurveda medicine and surgery, currently working on helping people with guidance around health, throughout this journey both in med school and outside, most of the textbooks I came across, began with physiology, anatomy and cytology of that particular system with ailments their cause, cure, pathology! This literally means a doctor’s conscious must revolve around comparison of the normal with abnormal, ruling out and cure. That’s fine! The problem arrives when the people’s small talk on health revolves around just illness and very little about wellness and health.

While the conversation around ailments and their cures are really necessary, what it lacks is an extra mile which would help people to stay healthy, health and wellness doesn’t even get a chance! So now everyone got a word about the signs, symptoms, the lab tests and still doesn’t know what to correct!

Reading the medical textbooks and learning from constant interaction with people so close to patient means that a doctor gets to know implied meanings, the issue arrives when the doctor finds the other factors irrelevant and forbids to start a conversation about health.

Ayurveda being the ancient life science has not even had a habit of complicating things, but all of us are complicated, we are better able to understand the mechanism of genetic scissors, but hard for us to impregnate the idea of a person hugging trees just to feel good. I was just joking ayurveda is not about hugging trees, but in case you don’t know this science has enough depth to stay low key and do wonders! Like I always say, there are no miracle medicines, body is the performer which heals itself, all we can do is give enough room for healing!

Let’s say we have 3 differently acquired ability to remain healthy

1. The inborn defense/strength: this circulates around our genetics, whatever came up to us during our embryological life, whatever that came up naturally, one which you didn’t ask for, very little or no manipulation is possible around this kind of our body’s inborn talent. If you are lucky, you get strong genes, but don’t worry there’s always a way to gain enough.

2. The seasonal defense/strength: like the trees outside wither their leaves to protect the trunk, our body is undergoing a cycle of gaining and losing in par with the seasons, ayurveda has thoroughly explained seasonal regimens to help the body endure, like we said it is all about better conditioning so that our system sails smooth! This is also regarding the natural variations in the strength of body right from infancy to senility.

3. The acquired one: now this immunity is the one you must develop. While immunity is just one of the few translations or the word ‘balam’ in Sanskrit, it is referring to much more, so this kind of strength or the health can be gained from your own practices. You can literally manipulate your genetics for the better or the worse. The only way left to us to take care of our health is to check on the FOOD AND EXERCISE, PERFECT SLEEP ROUTINE AND PROPER CODES OF CONDUCT (proper sexual life, good amount of gratitude)

It’s simple! Check on these 3 and enjoy the benefits, think about how easy it is to correct your habits and get good, healthy life. if you are a person who falls for complicated terms, chemicals and ill explained research article conclusions, this article might not satisfy you. You can go and confuse yourself a little more and come back to read the silly explanation.


The explanation is really deep and I don’t think most of them are not that easy going, but as I told you we doctors are good in understanding implied meanings. So here’s a conclusion short and sweet for my readers.

1.THE QUANTITY: Ayurveda has never prescribed a group of bad foods, it is not a science of generalized theories, no permanent contra indications and indications, everything is contextual and so if you are depending on educators on Instagram and they tell you ayurvedic contra indications are dumb, they haven’t actually read it! take care of the quantity, it’s a win-win game!

Make sure you have a 50:30:20 ratio of carbs, protein, fats and make sure your carbs are not just bland foods.

2. too much processed foods: the deep fried, the salted make sure you keep away from bland and refined foods, make your bowel active, accustoming to the easy ones can give you a hard time. if you think what is too much process, even too much reheating/charring and caramelization might harm, raw isn’t fine if you are not accustomed, this year lets try some mediocrity.

3.time: as far as your circadian rhythm is important, so is your food timings, never be late.


4.never go for trends, if your body is comfortable with a certain group of foods and they turn out to be wholesome you don’t have to follow any trends, we are all different and we don’t necessarily react to every food the same way. enjoy every cuisine but better thrive on your traditional cuisine. Don’t take a chance, let’s do that while travelling.

There are chances some combinations might not work on you, food allergies are real emergencies! If under prescription for any illness, please listen to the doctor because that’s a personalized decision your doctor has made for you.

5. eating food the right way is the real health, so make it warm, it aids digestion and might itself be a cure to your dyspepsia, remember I said warm and not hot!

6.make sure you don’t eat stale food items, let the guy on social media advocate for stale breads, but keep away!

7. avoid continuous snacking, if you wish to do so, divide your main meals, have it in divided doses. This is going to help you with the insulin resistance that you’ve been suffering from

8. add drinks that aid better digestion and assimilation of your food, this if you didn’t know will help you get better in terms with the rheumatic complaints or help you ease the symptoms of your auto immune disorders. Ayurveda has prescribed a lot and it’s probably going to be a part of my upcoming articles!

Listen to your body, if you can’t understand take up guidance. Remember just the above information is going to give you a great leap in your life in terms of health. its definitely simple and realistic!

Sleep hygiene and other set of guidance will appear in the next sequel, follow me and reach out to me on daily hygge.




Indian doctor practicing ayurveda and aiming to simplify healthcare theories for the sake of a healthy and happy community!