The Year of Dragon(Technology)

A review of 2018's Dragonchain Roadmap goals and technology achievements.

10 min readJan 1, 2019

Dragonchain stands for Liberty. Fundamentals. Technology.

Dragonchain pushes the boundaries of blockchain technology, expanding both its disruptive potential and accessibility for new users. Our vision is not only to create an ecosystem of products, but to drive worldwide blockchain adoption.

With a US Patent granted in our work on Interchain Technology, the patent validates our leadership in solving security, utility, scalability, and flexibility issues that have stymied others in the blockchain industry.

2018 was a big year for us as we continue to EMPOWER our users with innovative blockchain technology. Come see what we built.

January 2018

Smart Contract Protocols and API — Common API for all supported languages

We began the year solidifying the foundation of business logic execution within the Dragonchain ecosystem through the use of smart contracts and common API. Smart contracts are simply scripts that change the state of your Dragonchain. With Dragonchain, you can run code written in any of the supported languages without provisioning or managing servers. Then, simply call your smart contract to invoke and run it.

February 2018

Dragonchain Foundation Developer Academy Pilot Program

Smart contract development workshops and training.

March 2018

Launch of the Commercial Serverless platform on AWS

Leveraging blockchain technology for real business initiatives is expensive and very risky in an operational environment. The challenge is that public blockchains expose levels of unnecessary risk that prevent businesses from adopting the technology and come with an exceptionally high price tag when trying to build one from the ground up. Most companies who have attempted to build custom blockchain solutions have had low success rates due to the complexities of this new technology.

Dragonchain solves these problems by simplifying the integration of real business applications onto a private blockchain while still having the ability to selectively interchain with public blockchains. This allows a business to leverage this technology without exposing any sensitive business data on the public chains.

Dragonchain celebrated the initial launch of the Dragonchain Commercial Platform to its partners and launched April 5th, 2018, Satoshi’s Birthday.

April 2018

Smart Contracts Library

The establishment of smart contract library for Dragonchain users. Dashboard user interface and initial custom smart contract creation.

Currency & Block Aggregation Protocol

Continued protocol development towards architectural goals as defined in the Dragonchain Architecture:

May 2018

Infrastructure Refactor

With feedback from users, we began to prepare implementing additional tooling via a refactor of infrastructure that included:

Input custom environment variables into custom smart contracts
Additional functions to CLI tool
Set up internal database management
Costing and performance testing scripts
Budget module

Dragon Factor Identity Framework

Initial development for Dragon Factor; a blockchain identity service for applications. It deploys a decentralized authentication model, which allows users to own their data and control who has access to it. Dragon Factor incorporates risk-based determinants from third parties to provide additional information to make decisions.

Initial Interchain Development

Back in 2015, we were the first multi-chain hybrid to tap the Bitcoin public blockchain from our private blockchains within Disney. Interchain represents the efforts of our leadership in blockchain innovation and the evolution of solutions provided to the technology space.

Discover the New Internet of Value:

Transaction Processing Refactor

Expanded on transaction processes to include capabilities such as time-based transfers (DDSS).

Reference Proof of Work Implementation

The Dragonchain philosophy focuses on individual liberties. A Proof of Work reference for Dragonchain was made available for users as an option to implement.

Standardized Currency Library Smart Contract

Currency smart contracts allow users to create their own currency within Dragonchain, send currency from one wallet to another, check the balance of a wallet address, and retrieve the total amount of currency.

June 2018

ETH Interchain Library Smart Contract

The first interchain smart contract was made available to users allowing self service.

The ETH Interchain is a smart contract which can watch and process transactions on the Ethereum blockchain and invoke business logic on Dragonchain, the Ethereum blockchain, or another public blockchain.

What is Interchain™:

Auto Claim Gate Verification System

Auto Claim Gate Verification is a process which allows users to access features and rewards within the Dragonchain ecosystem based on variables such as their Dragon balance and the length of time each Dragon is held.

Core UI Backend

Updated User Interface for Dragonchain Users.

DDSS Leaderboard

The Dragon Days of Slumber Score (DDSS) Leaderboard is a place where HODLers can check their DDSS ranking, see their accomplishments, and stay up to date on announcements.

DDSS Recovery

DRGN holders expressed frustration with losing their Dragon Days of Slumber Score (DDSS) after moving Dragons from one wallet to another. Many of these transfers were done with the intent of moving tokens to a more secure wallet, which users felt were unjustly penalized. Dragonchain implemented DDSS Recovery in order to combat this issue. Now, users can transfer their Dragons into any wallet and maintain their existing DDSS.

July 2018

ETC Interchain Library Smart Contract

The ETC Interchain is a smart contract which can watch and process transactions on the Ethereum Classic blockchain and invoke business logic on Dragonchain, the Ethereum Classic blockchain, or another public blockchain.

L2 Nodes (Community Provisioned)

“Level 2 Verification of your business data is a service, not a chore. The specifications of a given transaction will be outlined in your smart contract, which is generated at Level 1. After that, your work is done. Level 2 (and for that matter, Levels 3–5 as well) will provide verification, which increases security, decreases risk, and makes measuring risk possible.

Still skeptical? Rightfully so. It is in a company’s best interest to say that their app, software, or platform is “user-friendly”. Level 2 Verification presents an opportunity for members of the Dragonchain community to actively participate in this ecosystem as a service provider. As the host of a L2 Node, you’ll perform the validation/verification function for an enterprise/user.”

Decentralized L1 Capabilities (ETH)

Level 1 nodes provide business verification or approval. Generally, these nodes are centralized. At Level 1, data can be trusted by the organization. Level 1 nodes are also capable of being decentralized. An organization or user may wish to share or publish some of the business logic or data contained in a business defined payload of a transaction with a public blockchain. Decentralized Level 1 nodes are capable of selectively executing or exposing the business logic and/or business data to a public blockchain.

Users can now selectively execute or expose business logic and or data to the Ethereum Blockchain.

August 2018

NEO Interchain Library Smart Contract

The NEO Interchain is a smart contract which can watch and process transactions on the NEO blockchain and invoke business logic on Dragonchain, the NEO blockchain, or another public blockchain.

L3 Nodes (Community Provisioned)

Level 3 nodes verify diversity of validation (Level 2) verifications. This verification context will ensure that validations of transactions are coming from a sufficiently diverse set of distributed sources.

Decentralized L1 Capabilities (ETC)

Selectively execute or expose business logic and or data to Ethereum Classic Blockchain.

September 2018

BTC Interchain Library Smart Contract

The BTC Interchain is a smart contract which can watch and process transactions on the Ethereum blockchain and invoke business logic on Dragonchain, the Ethereum blockchain, or another public blockchain.

L4 Nodes (Community Provisioned)

Defined network wide (Enterprise+), a Level 4 node provides a notary functionality to the consensus process. Hosted by an external partner, a Level 4 node cryptographically signs any Level 3 verification record that it receives. This function allows the Level 4 node to act as an independent witness to Level 3 verifications.

Decentralized L1 Capabilities (NEO)

Selectively execute or expose business logic and or data to NEO Blockchain.

Commercialized Dashboard & Marketplace

“The Dragonchain Marketplace is a one-stop shop where businesses and developers can buy and sell their products and services. Our partners provide the essential resources any blockchain project needs to succeed…”

Reimagining The Future at Blockchain Seattle Convention

Takara Launch (Enterprise End) *Bonus Goal

Takara gives enterprises, developers, and those that wish to utilize the Dragonchain platform, the ability to purchase directly from token holders; ignoring secondary markets altogether. Priced by an adoption based formula with participation based on variables such as DDSS and a minimum required hold time.

Dragon Net Launch *Bonus Goal

Dragon Net is a scaled approach to consensus that uses independent verification nodes provided by Dragonchain users. This means that each node represents its own individual blockchain, utilizing a network of blockchains and eliminating constraints seen with a single mainnet. Verification nodes serve the purpose of verifying blocks from business nodes (Level 1 / L1 nodes), in a marketplace based on scarcity of DDSS (time). Each node at each Level is its own blockchain and are non-homogenous as well, meaning that nodes do not all contain the same information.

Using Proof of Time as the foundation for consensus, the Dragon Net model is able to overcome issues that are being uncovered in Proof of Stake and Proof of Work-based systems.

Dragon Den Closed Beta Launch *Bonus Goal

Dragon Den is a decentralized, ad-free, community based on the Dragonchain platform. In order to maintain an open and trustworthy network, it is essential to combat disinformation and unsupported news stories. Dragon Den allows users to stop the circulation of unsourced news, enforce community standards, and incentivise the creation of quality content through a tokenized reward model. As a blockchain-based application, Dragon Den aims to reimagine community as we know it.

October 2018

ETH Proof of Existence (L5)
ETC Proof of Existence (L5)
NEO Proof of Existence (L5)
BTC Proof of Existence (L5)

On the 10 year anniversary of Satoshi Nakamoto’s white paper, Dragonchain has expanded its Dragon Net capabilities, with Proof of Existence to Bitcoin, NEO, Ethereum, and Ethereum Classic. By using Proof of Existence, businesses can prove that a transaction occurred or that a transaction didn’t occur.

November 2018

Master Time Ledger *Bonus Goal

The Dragonchain team has completed the Master Time Ledger, a ledger that keeps track of all DDSS debits and credits across accounts within the Dragonchain Platform. This milestone has opened the door to new possibilities within the Dragonchain ecosystem.

Captured Time Lending Contracts (CTLC)

Dragonchain users are now able to help grow the Dragonchain ecosystem by lending out their DDSS to enterprise developers looking to build their blockchain solution on the Dragonchain platform. Log in to your Dragonchain Dashboard and select CTLC from the list of services/


The Academy provides a training framework that allows students to develop skills based on their needs and level of experience. Users can obtain blockchain proficiency at their own pace, on their own schedule, and to the degree of expertise that suits them.

We launched on a global stage with an initial rollout of certifications and courses such as:

Dragonchain Certified User
Dragonchain Certified Practitioner
The Untapped Power of Blockchain
The Dragonchain Ecosystem

Jump-start your blockchain career with Dragonchain’s tokenized education program.

Lyceum *Bonus Goal

Lyceum is a blockchain learning management system (LMS) application that stores and manages content such as documents, courses, and videos. User progress is tracked on blockchain for “Proof of Education”. It is an application hosted on Dragonchain platform and can be customized to an organization’s educational needs.

Eternal Proof Reporting *Bonus Goal

With the Eternal application, users can visualize the full power of combined blockchain networks.

Enter a Url or a text snippet and create an interchain transaction today: The page content of the URL or the text snippet will be posted on Dragonchain and interchained with multiple Dragonchain verification nodes and a public blockchain.

Dragon Factor Authentication API

With the recent deployment of the Dragon Factor API, Dragon Factor is empowering individuals and businesses to take control of their data.

December 2018

Wyrm Holes

Based on our Patented Interchain Technology; Dragonchain Wyrm Holes give you the ability to transfer tokens from one blockchain network to another.

If you’re interested in learning more about Dragonchain and our blockchain based solutions, fill out this form.

This article appeared first on Dragonchain’s blog:

