The time to claim your free blockchain dragon eggs draws ever closer!

1 min readNov 5, 2018


The excitement is mounting here at dragon towers: the dragon era is almost here!

Thanks to all your hard work on the beta test, we are almost finished putting the final touches to our labor of love. Thereby we are delighted to announce that the mainnet launch is set to start at blockchain height of 6789876, or approximately on the 28th of November!

Can’t wait to get your hands on one of those eggs? Then get your MetaMask wallets ready so you can claim as many blockchain dragons as possible. This will be your only chance to take part in Dragonereum’s Genesis so make sure you don’t miss out.

See you on the 28th!

P.S. To make sure you don’t miss any important updates follow us on the links below and we will keep you up to date on all our exciting developments.

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Cryptocollectible player vs. player game built on Ethereum blockchain, allowing users to collect, breed and battle unique dragons. More info: