Why choose MeteorJS for your tech startup?

3 min readDec 19, 2017


Tech startups are challenging.

The moment you turn your ideas into tangible applications, people will desire the best solution.

Now developing one cutting-edge solution is often painful for sundry options at hand. Be it the framework, backend and frontend riddle or choosing the best programming language for your application, your product consultant team must address a series of questions.

And don’t forget the pain of building two separate native applications for web and mobile. Fret no more and pick Meteor.JS for your next application.

Startups who look forward to hit multiple aims with one single shot can do wonders with Meteor.JS, the new-age free and open-source JavaScript framework.

What are the perks of Meteor and how it will help the startups? Let’s explore-

Makes the developers happy:

In your quest to bring life to your idea, you need the support of the programmers. When they start to feel home with the tech stack, magic happens.

Written using Node.JS, Meteor is an advanced framework which provides all needed flexibility to the developers. Here they are-

  1. Ship more with less code: Thanks to an integrated JavaScript stack that extends from the database to the end user’s screen, the developers will have the luxury to write less code to do more with the Meteor.JS.
  2. Integrated technologies that developers use and love to use: From Angular to React, Meteor has integrated every popular tech tool inside it’s framework. The magical framework is integrated with the MongoDB and uses the Distributed Data Protocol. With an array of integrations at their disposal, the developers feel home while converting your ideas into business.

Makes the startup founders happier:

When the programmers happily shape up your idea, your business is bound to get scaled up. Rhetoric aside, the Meteor.JS lays the technical foundation for a successful startup.

Here are the perks-

  1. Cross-platform Leverage: Application developed in Meteor.JS has the advantage of embracing multiple platforms. The framework supports both the mobile and the web. And even going beyond that, the mobile applications developed in Meteor framework will be available for both, Android and iOS. With all the advantages in the kitty, your tech startups built in Meteor.JS will be ready to get more users across platform and devices.
  2. Faster development & deployment: In the hands of able Meteor experts, connecting the dots for rapid prototyping and building MVP never eat your project life-cycle timeline. With JavaScript on the frontend and backend, plus smart packages, Meteor allows you to develop faster, deploy swiftly, test your startup idea with MVP and kick off without any snag.

Talking about the smart packages, there is a dedicated website ready to unleash tons of smart packages for you. It saves the precious time of the developer and your project-schedule.

A Chance to join the Real-time bandwagon:

Tech startups honchos like Facebook and Twitter have started to leverage the real-time applications. But, hey that does not mean you can’t develop one and leverage the power of real-time application.

Meteor is at your service to spearhead your project. The framework is real-time by default. With “all-in-one” approach, the application’s layer from the database to template gets updated automatically. This is a massive benefit for your audience-

  • They do not need to refresh the page to see the updates as they will get updated automatically.
  • And even they make any changes, they will be saved instantly.

Now, the inevitable question. Will you build your next application in Meteor?

Well, at DreamToIPO, we answer the question with our product consultancy.

Deep understanding of tech startups and experience of helping visionaries to make their ideas live are our bedrock to figure out the business objectives, project requirements, general framework functionality and how the tech can be aligned to the business goals.

When we find your startup requires the power of Meteor, we make sure you get the best Meteor developers to turn your ideas into a winning application.




We help Startups turn their ideas into great digital products with agile web & mobile solution. Know more about us here https://www.dreamtoipo.com