What are the biggest problem in tech startups and how to resolve them?

6 min readSep 13, 2017


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Tech startups are both the boon and bane of startup game.

You decode the rules before anyone, take the plunge and grab the IPO.

Easy-peasy! Right? Not really.

Once you fail to read the script and boom!! There you are at the dark corner of the startup world.

Since the beginning of startup storm, the revolutionary tech ideas have mushroomed, grown into juggernauts and even helped others to find their feet.

But, behind one PayPal, Facebook, Google and Amazon there is a big bucket where failed startups have been dumped. Thrown out of the ring, they are now the learning curve for every emerging startup who sees and senses disruption with one big tech idea.

Are you one of them, spending sleepless night, drawing and re-drawing your big startup sketch?

Then this blog is for you. From our long experiences, we know the mistakes and by the grace of our expertise we know how to fix them.

Are you ready to build a shield around your tech startup? Let’s go-

Do you have an able aid for your tech vision?

Your brilliant tech vision will collapse if it’s not developed on a sound platform. Was this a cliche? But, true. Even you know that. So, why compromise mate?

Look, if you don’t want to bloom and fade overnight, the implementation of your brilliant startup idea needs an able platform.

Question of withstanding traffic and time come later. The first page of the book will ask whether the “Chosen One” platform can shape up your vision?

We believe, your prowess and perseverance have developed a top-notch product which also needs a cutting-edge mechanism. So that, at the end of the day, you can tick all the boxes. Be it, the UI or UX, your marvelous tech idea should not be elbowed due to some incompetent platform.

Embrace Ruby on Rails:

Am I sounding like a preacher? Believe me, you will not be disappointed. One of the most sought after web frameworks of modern day, the Ruby on Rails has enough tricks and tools in kitty to convert your ideas into awesome products.

From AI to VR, the Ruby on Rails will guide your every tech startup effort. The combination of Ruby with Rails make the framework flexible yet robust to shape up your thoughts, however disruptive it may be.

Let’s have an example of having additional edge-

Shopify, the e-commerce platform provider which is running on the web framework of the Ruby on Rails has recently incorporated VR within their platform. That means, any vendor who will open an online store through Shopify will be able to provide Virtual Reality experience to their customers.

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For Shopify, this is a huge step forward. To stay in the competition, the tech startups need to come up with such blitzkrieg.

Shopify has done that banking on the framework of the Ruby on Rails. This is the benefit of having an able aid to augur your mission in aligned with your vision.

Do you have the right technology to draw audience?

We go gaga over the product. But, at the end of the day, it’s all about the audience. If they love the product, you will sustain. So your legacy. And so your dream to disrupt.

But the audience is a riddle. When it comes to sell your tech product, the mazes are more complex.

There will be early adopters who either have an interest in the technology or has “severity of need”. As their “hair is on fire” they will take the labor to find and figure you out.

And there will be normals who are either skeptic on the solution you are offering, or they don’t need the products at all or have opted for further information.

Now, both the audience is important for you-

a) Though small in number the satisfied early adopters will be your word-of-mouth and primary promoters

b) Normals or the group of laggard with their majority will lay the foundation of your road to success

For every tech startup, it’s a headache to court both the audience at the same time.

  • How can you play the balance game when adopters know the tech inside and out and will definitely throw the product if there is any glitch.
  • And think twice before doing some cool thing. Because, any effort to drop jaw will be sidelined by the normals.

Are you fast enough to be the First?

This one is a big pang for the tech startup. The rule of the ring is simple. One who will enter the ring first with all the cool features, he/she will claim the throne.

This calls for two basic requirements-

  • An agile framework to develop the applications without any lag
  • Zero compromise on the quality

The world of tech startup is undergoing constant change. If a company is not fast enough to outrace others, there will be less exposure and handful audience. Will you be happy with that?

Remember, no one will go gaga over your product. The solution will do the talking. If someone provides the solution before you, why should folks recognize you?

Think Airbnb. There was no such facilities before their offerings. They came, they saw the opportunity and they seize it. BTW, they are also powered by Ruby on Rails.

Fuel your project with Ruby on Rails:

Remember, Ruby on Rails is developed to be the playground of the developers. This open source software escalates the project speed in real time which will help your startup in three different ways-

1) Best Ruby on Rails companies know how to strategize the project development to complete the works without any delay. What we have learned from our experiences that the programmers are happy while they are with Ruby on Rails. Boatload features, abundant opportunities of scalability and flexible enough to tweak and twist at will, the Ruby on Rails framework provide an upper hand over the competitors.

2) The agility of the Ruby on Rails is not just about inventing something before someone. Often it helps to rectify the glitches and regroup everything before others dare to outpace you. Ruby on Rails is a massive breather here. In able hands, the new-age tech startups can spot their mistakes quickly, rectify them and come up with better product.

3) What alienates the best startup from the rest is the speed of providing next features. Once your ideas will be launched, scores of others will build clones around it. Now to dwarf those clones, you have to climb the stairs soon with more features. Ruby on Rails will help you to harness your tech product. Dream any cutting-edge solutions that you want to unleash, the Ruby on Rails will bring them on your table. Picture how Shopify is trying to integrate VR within the e-commerce platforms.

  • At the same time, the scaling should be associated with the solidity. There is no point of leading the race if you fail to finish that. Stats say, 74% of high growth internet startups fail due to premature scaling. Protect your awesome tech ideas from sudden pitfalls with robust framework of the Ruby on Rails.

A startup is a fight against tide of bigger enterprises. A tech startup is the fight against both the tide and time. The check list is exhaustive and the Ruby on Rails is a potential agent to tick all the boxes. To do that, the journey from conceiving the product to making it a viable startup should be quick and sturdy.

This is the pivot of DreamToIPO . Loved and recognized as one of the best Ruby on Rails companies. We know the compelling issues and with our experience we decode them.

Tech startups are not some random sketch on diary or platform to level up your status. Yes, they can moonshot you and curve out the path for IPO. At the same time, they make difference by solving a great human problem.

Do your tech ideas have an identical force? Then, build it now with care.




We help Startups turn their ideas into great digital products with agile web & mobile solution. Know more about us here https://www.dreamtoipo.com