Dred Ola
2 min readJan 8, 2022

IOEN strategic partnership with the Australian Government

In a bid to actualize the utility of the Internet of Energy Network effectively, the IOEN team has partnered with the Australian Government who at the moment has delved into means of creating sustainable and eco-friendly means of energy storage and effective redistribution using a new concept gaining ground now especially in Australia tagged the Community Battery.

Community Battery offers homeowners a battery solution that allows them to use all the clean energy they generate, save on their electricity bills, and get more value from their solar investment. All without needing to own and maintain their own battery system. For the people who run the electricity grid, these batteries are extremely useful. From the network perspective, rather than ripping out the existing cables and installing a larger one to deal with issues around peak demand, it is cheaper and more effective to put in a battery. This also helps deal with voltage and capacity issues created by concentrations of rooftop solar. The basic idea of these community batteries is to allow households that generate their own solar power to pool their excess electricity in shared storage for later use.

The concept behind the community battery complements the ideology on which the IOEN network was created, hence the collaboration. With the Holochain technology, and IOEN integrated Decentralized Finance Protocols the IOEN team partnership with the Australian Government is quite vital and symbiotic to both parties as they work hand in hand to create lasting solutions to curtail the emission of greenhouse gases as a result of the traditional means of generating energy and overall abate the looming greenhouse effects.

The Internet of Energy Network is a community-driven network with a vision of unlocking a future of clean energy. The IOEN tech enables smart connectivity of electrical appliances, from energy generation, storage to consumption in a system of virtual microgrids which leads and coordinates energy effectively; creating a secure, reliable and scalable mini-grid that explores the opportunities for more renewable energy within the local network Check for more info here

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